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LOS BAÑOS, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) - Move over seedless grapes. Make way for boneless bananas! Agricultural scientists at the University of the Philippines at Los Baños (UPLB) have successfully produced an organic prototype of bananas not seen ever before anywhere in the world. They're boneless! The bananas have been marketed on a limited…
MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) -  Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has lashed out at the "hypocrisy" of the West for closing borders to an exodus of refugees whom he said he would welcome to his country until it was "filled to the brim". Commenting on the refugee exodus that has plagued Europe, Duterte said…
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the USA today gave clarification on the soon to be imposed safety measures required for electric cars. In addition to a two-tone siren that must sound the word "Pus-sy!" and a yellow strobe light mounted on the roof, all owners must carry a man who will walk in front of the car holding a red flag.
Cleveland, OH—Trump supporter, Benjamin Meanie, is angry with the quality of the graffiti turning up on the buildings and vehicles in his city. He vows to roam the streets correcting the spelling, grammar, and even the content of any and all pro-Trump vandalism. “I support all the bigotry and hatred, but I still long for a day…
by James Israel.The myth of a huge white voter turnout has been debunked. The real story is the lack of Democratic voters. Obama had far more. Okay, check this out. I saw this on CBS, with Don Lemon interviewing Michael Moore. (Clip below.) Keep in mind, the graph below seems to exaggerate differences in the vote totals, [more...]Subscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format.
Washington, DC – (
Sources deep with-in the Obama Administration are claiming the President wants stricter controls over purported ‘fake news’ outlets that could have tilted voter’s ballot choices during the 2016 national elections.
County Courthouse – (
Most people hate receiving a jury summons. This civic duty generally requires at least one day off work , downtown traffic and parking, long lines, hurry up and wait, inadequate bathroom facilities, no convenient lunch, losing coins in vending machines, rude and/or overworked employees (city, county, state, or Federal), sitting on un-padded seats in stuffy rooms, and watching/hearing self-important attorneys and judges.
Denver, CO – (
Flynn Combs is 25. He’s ‘between jobs’ and struggling to pay off his $250,000 college education loan. He also lives in his parent’s basement and drives a ‘classic car’ notably a 2002 Chevy Cavalier with 175K miles on it. By the way….Flynn Combs is pretty pissed!
An online content manager who bravely decided to wear a safety pin has turned into Martin Luther King Jr., according to hundreds of witnesses.
In what is being seen as a promising start for Trump Presidency, Abe said that he was ‘confident in Mr Trump’s ability to lead America’ after leaving their meeting almost completely unoffended.
Heading into a particularly cold winter, more cafes and eateries are passing off soup as a legitimate meal than ever before – and Brits are not happy about it.
SEATTLE, Washington (The Adobo Chronicles, San Francisco Bureau) - November 24, Thanksgiving Day, will not be a holiday in the states of California, Washington, Oregon and Nevada. Meeting in Seattle yesterday, the governors of the four Western states which voted for Hillary Clinton signed a joint proclamation cancelling the upcoming traditional celebration. "There is nothing to…
Reports are now surfacing that Dickie Johnson may have pooped his pants during History class at approximately 10:35 AM in Tolla Grieves 3rd grade class.
President Trump? Brexit? Jeremy Corbyn? Are we living in the post satire era? As reality becomes ever more outrageous, does satire still have any purpose?
May has been very firm on putting an end to free movement of workers to the UK, and she has a couple of firm points that she thinks will win over EU leaders.
Calling President Elect Donald Trump 'a dangerous liberal', Nancy Pelosi unleashed a barrage of invective against the GOP and minorities this morning as a tacking Democratic leadership attempt to reinvent themselves as the more racist of the two parties.
Sunday was the anniversary of the Bataclan attack, just recently was the 1,000th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings and the 50th anniversary of the Aberfan disaster. Yet there is no record of anyone commemorating the first anniversary of the Battle of Hastings in 1067, nor the 100th anniversary in 1166
The news doesn’t need to be complicated and confusing; that’s what any new release from Microsoft is for. And, as in the case with anything from Microsoft, to keep the news from worrying our pretty little heads over, remember something new and equally indecipherable...

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