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Thirty-six years ago today my favorite progressive was murdered. John Winston Lennon was the kind of person who wasn't afraid to take off his clothes and stand up for what he thought was right. I think more progressives ought to follow his lead. Enough with all this pearl clutching and fainting, my fellow Americans, let's see what you've got there—and there, too..
Trusted sources have revealed that any and all information available via the mainstream media and alternative media are dangerously false with a notable exception of TotalyRealNews.
Man Punches Out Salvation Army Officer for Wishing Him an Unsolicited 'Happy Christmas'. So Called 'Man Who Hates Christmas' Plans to Sabotage Yuletide by Poisoning Supermarket Seasonal Foodstuffs with own Excrement.
Gemstones, colors, fish entrails, and power phrases are not the only astrological influences guiding our destinies. In fact, the vehicles we drive are the engines that really drive our happiness.
Hard-line Brexit voters are calling for Theresa May’s head after the Prime Minister decided to make the definition of Brexit even vaguer with the term ‘red, white and blue Brexit.’
North Pole - (

After promising a 'stocking-stuffer like no other…And actually in a real pair of stockings,' Santa Claus announced today the new cloning process will allow him to fulfill every male teenagers sexual dream for next Christmas too.
BETHESDA, Maryland (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - It was in March of 2014 when we first reported that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) officially classified the taking of selfies as a mental disorder. The disease was given the namer 'selfitis.'  It was reaching an epidemic proportion. Other than self-control methods and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT),…
There is an artificial meat made from inorganic chemicals called Meatelle. It was manufactured in a factory, and you may have just eaten it.
Calling it a 'total disaster', president-elect Donald Trump pledged in a video clip posted on YouTube today that he will scrap Michelle Obama's Let's Move initiative on his first day in office.
Knick Moore, Sunny, and Jeremy have way too much fun talking about a (literal) Guy who allegedly killed and dismembered his parents.
Nick Portier talks with Jeremy and Sunny about his gender identity and how people handle discussing such issues. Plus, he and Sunny explain why they stopped seeing some women.
Jeremy, Sunny, and comedy purveyor Evan Rabalais talk about the level of zen required to self-immolate without being a bitch about it. Jeremy also explains how Gary Johnson was left out of the debates to save the universe.
A gay adult entertainment website defames fraternity brothers by portraying them as regularly engaging in lustful homosexual relationships with each other, according to a class-action lawsuit filed by several current college fraternity members.
Reaffirming previous comments in which he called NATO “very obsolete,” Donald Trump said he wants to replace the 67-year-old organization with a rewards program similar to one offered at his casinos.
Legendary basketball coach and ardent Donald Trump supporter Bobby Knight insisted opponents protesting against the president-elect should just lie down and let his administration happen.
Fresh off its revelation of the Democrat’s blueprint for attacking Jeff Sessions—Donald Trump’s choice for attorney general—WikiLeaks revealed this morning the identity of Time magazine’s person of the year for 2016: The White Half of Barack Obama.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - Despite his displeasure with how he has been portrayed by Alec Baldwin, Donald Trump says he actually likes 'Saturday Night Live' and is a big fan. As a matter of fact, the president-elect just announced that when he delivers his very first State of the Union Address (SOTU), it…
Huffington Post scribbler Cole Delbyck has vowed never to watch Last Tango in Paris again. He put on his big-boy pants and proudly announced his resolve in a mawkish exercise in virtue signaling entitled, “That Famous Rape Scene In ‘Last Tango in Paris’ Was In Fact Not Consensual, Director Says.”
In our continuing efforts to offer our readers only the best and most relevant photos…Here’s the SatireWorld Photo of the Day!

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