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Facing a life sentence for his crimes, Father Christmas might just have emptied his sack for the very last time.
Trump fails to assemble kitchen cabinet set, quits project after nearly 20 minutes of causing irreparable damage.
Santiago de Cuba (Cuba) – (
Fidel Castro’s ashes were entombed in a massive stone next to national heroes on Sunday, as Cuba opens a new era without the communist leader who ruled for decades and killed or jailed dissenters in order to stay in power. In what’s being called the cheapest funeral for a national leader since Mussolini’s demise in 1944.
Richard B. Spencer, who has been called the Golden Boy of the Alt-Right, will adorn the cover of GQ’s February 2017 (Valentine Day) issue. The handsome, natty, and oh-so-controversial Mr. Spencer, who seeks to spread the gospel of white nationalism, is already spreading the gospel that “Neo-Nazis” are a far cry sartorially from their goose-stepping, jack-booted, Sieg-Heil-saluting forebears.
A person working for the Bank of England, who has asked for anonymity because she has been expressly banned from talking to us by her employer, confirmed today that the controversially plastic new fivers were designed exclusively for meat eaters and not for vegans or vegetarians. parody
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - In recent weeks, 'fake' news on social media has come under heavy attack by those who do not understand the meaning of freedom of speech. As a result, social media giants Facebook and Google have promised to take concrete measures to deal with the proliferation…
TORONTO, Canada (The Adobo Chronicles, Toronto Bureau) - It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas, and the shopping for gifts and Christmas tree stockings are in full swing. Scented candles are among the more popular items during the holidays and two new products have been introduced to the market.  One bears the scent of Canadian Prime…
After thirty years, Miles Hartington, 47, is calling it “quits” from the adult film industry, saying from now on he will just deliver the pizza and “get the hell out of there.”
President-Elect Donald Trump today announced he has appointed his son Barron Trump, 10, to serve as head of the newly created Department of Child Labor.
Plus-size former comedienne, Amy Schumer is reportedly in talks with Lane Bryant to play Barbie in the first-ever, live-adaptation of the life and times of Mattel’s beloved doll. In this diversity-themed epic, Miss Schumer will play a zaftig Barbie of indeterminate racial (and flexible gender) background who is banished from "BarbieLand" for "not being perfect enough." Is this science fiction or what? Miss Schumer hasn’t seen “not being perfect enough” since she first noticed that her toes were fatter than the other girls’.
'It wasn’t even close. “I’m not racist, but…” is always in the running for most used sentence prefix of the year but this year it absolutely curbstomped the competition.’
Hollywood, CA – (

They flaunt themselves on big and small screens and draw legions of fans and admirers. But just how glamorous are these over-paid and ego filled stars in real life?
Saying that he cannot work in an environment full of women who are merely competent in their jobs, President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Washington-area hottie Candy McKitten, 22, as secretary of office.
Britney Spears is thirty-five today. We celebrate this occasion by recalling some of the more what-the-fuck-moments from her career. At 22, Britney married her childhood pal Jason Alexander in Las Vegas, Nevada, after a night of twinkie abuse and huffing glue. This ill-considered marriage, which was annulled or something like that in fifty-five hours, was the first in an epic series of oops-I-shit-the-bed-again moments Ms. Spears provided a gobsmacked nation for more than a year. The Pug Bus, which was then still a pup and apt to shit the bed itself, followed Britney's every swerve.
ARIES Mar 20 - Apr 19
Mistletoe, but not the berries, are well starred in any lip, tongue or nose touching endeavours this month. (The optimal hanging height in any kissing based festive intrigue is 6ft 9in unless your aunt is still seeing that professional basketball player in which the height is 3 ft higher.)y
Postcards from the Pug Bus, the alt-right's favorite satire site, discusses the difference between the Roman and the Nazi salutes. You can't tell the players without this scorecard. Don't raise your arm without it.
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - President-elect Donald Trump's phone conversations with world leaders have created jitters among members of the diplomatic community. Trump's unorthodox and naive calls with, for instance, the leaders of Pakistan and Kazakhstan may have put the United States' official position on and relationships with the two countries at…
Beesville Chamber of Commerce – (
Burt Hannon is a fun-filled individual and a business owner who just happens to own Burt’s House of Fun, a magic store and practical joke shop located on Bardsville Road in Beeville, Texas. Today Burt isn’t laughing, especially after he checked out of All Merciful Saints General Hospital after being beaten by a dozen irate prank victims on Monday!
Thugs, models, people dying from thirst, even God are all sipping on this classic drink. Grab a glass before it's too late!
Citizens of Aleppo have discovered that a brutal review written by @CandyMom81, is infinitely more hurtful than an oppressive fundamentalist regime; criticising hotels for their lack of ‘gluten-free tea bags’, ripe melon balls and hypoallergenic flak jackets.

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