Check Please!
Washington, DC – (
The GOP still basking in the shellacking it handed the gobsmacked DNC in the presidential elections of 2016. Politely offered an olive branch of sorts looking to re-ignite the friendly but competitive spirit of bygone days.
President Elect Donald Trump has been spending a lot of time practicing being an elected official by playing the classic Maxis simulator, SimCity.
Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has announced an ambitious plan to provide refuge to U.S. citizens who feel “morally or emotionally” endangered by a looming Donald Trump presidency.
President-elect Trump said that illegal immigrants pose a grave risk to America and that they have to go.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) -Many Americans were so concentrated on their shock and grief that very few noticed what the Clintons were wearing during Hillary's concession speech.  Both she and Bill wore purple (see photo.) Purple embodies the balance of red’s (Republican) stimulation and blue’s (Democrat) calm. This dichotomy can cause unrest or…
Donald Trump, the president-elect, has told CBS in his first interview that the new wall with Mexico could be 'part gaps'. parody
New York, NY – (
Press reports of possible Hillary Clinton trickery has been reaching the boiling point om social media when it was revealed that Hillary Clinton used a fake tears product prior to addressing her followers at her official concession speech on Wednesday.
New York City, New York - (
The once respected New York Times, which in recent years was mostly used for bird cage lining, has stepped forward and claimed that President-elect Donald J Trump is racist and is in a conspiracy that will affect black citizens.
The Danish toy company agreed to stop advertising in the Daily Mail after pressure from Stop Funding Hate, an activist group attempting to stop ‘campaigns of hate’ by newspapers such as The Sun, Daily Mail and Daily Express.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - It ain't over till it's over. So Clinton supporters, rejoice! Today, a joint session of Congress voided the results of the November 8 U.S. presidential elections on the grounds that they were held on the wrong date. Elections were supposed to be held on November 28, not November…
New York, NY – (
What if Donald Trump had the hots for Hillary? Maybe it was all just some weird thing and not politics. Can you imagine!
Pyongyang, North Korea – (
North Korea’s new reverend leader, Kim Jong Un, appeared in Pyongyang Square in honor of Kim Il Sun’s (RIP) 100th birthday and took the opportunity to opine as he looked at things from his own perspective while reviewing all 1.2M men and women in the standing army as they goose stepped past the podium during the 72 hour non stop version of the Super Bowl half time show.
Recently discovered through a freedom of information request to the University Of Michigan the terms Harbaugh's contact have been revealed in their entirety and the contract just gets more unusual the further into it one reads.
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - He was called the Donald Trump of the Philippines.  He was called the Rodrigo Duterte of America.  Whichever it is, it doesn't matter now.  Both are elected presidents of their respective countries. Both men are considered "foul-mouthed," have been accused of misogyny, have uttered controversial statements,…
DNC Headquarters – (

The Democrats party symbol has been around a very long time. Many questioned the use of a simple jackass as their mascot and silently hoped that people would think it was a cute little donkey, but in reality the jackass pretty much summed up what most people thought of the Democratic party after choosing Hillary Clinton as the party’s losing standard bearer for 2016.
Declaring moral bankruptcy will mean that America will be taken much less seriously at future international political gatherings. They will also be expected to do something incredibly brave and noble in the future to repay their debt.
NEW YORK – Now that Clinton stock is dropping like a stone, following Hillary’s loss to Donald Trump for the presidency, the Clinton Foundation has announced it’s having a fire sale. All of its services are being offered at ridiculously low prices.
The federal agency in charge of disaster assistance is setting up hundreds of emergency safe spaces around the country where residents traumatized by the presidential election outcome can find safety and psychological comfort.
FROM: HotHills69@REDACTED TO: megababe@REDACTED Yo Babes How is you? my hed is bangin like an essex girl on her birthdy. i woke up this mornin in Times Sq, i stinnk minging and i carnt rememmber waht i was doin larst nite after 8 o;clock but my prorrittes were still ok whatever becos I still had...

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