Check Please!
Let’s marry my ongoing GOP-ineptitude narrative with my research on cognitive distortions. Don’t worry, with jokes! The cognitive pitfall of all cognitive pitfalls is actually (drum roll) …normalcy bias! This particular distortion will play a role in November as well as our collective demise. You see, Republicans are like terrorists in that they only have to get this…
by Michael Egan.Nobel Prize accolade for ‘The greatest slam poet of his generation, who sure knew how to deliver a punch line!’ STOCKHOLM – Following its shock 2016 Literature Nobel Prize award to folk singer Bob Dylan, the Nobel committee today granted a “a special posthumous literary award” to the late Muhammad Ali, author of the immortal [more...]Subscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format.
Imagine you're cramming for your test in fluid dynamics when you get a text: Demetri Martin is coming to your school this week...and you're opening for him.
Los Angeles, CA – (
Mark your calendars…Organizers of the Halloween Night Thriller Dance have signed up almost two-hundred thousand dancers who will voluntarily dance at the graveside of Michael Jackson in an effort to revive the pop star from death.
House of Representatives – (
According to the Speaker of the House, it’s not about any ‘war on women,’ but merely a ‘common sense’ issue when he requested that Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) stay away from the House Chambers during Halloween. “We just don’t need any further scares after this Ebola and Zika stuff,” said Speaker Ryan during a recent CNN interview concerning the Ebola and Zika threat and the effect it could have on Congress.
MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) - Several weeks ago, Philippines President Rodrigo Roa Duterte announced that he would allot an hour-long morning show on the government's television station, PTV4, to communicate directly with the Filipino people. Well, that television program will soon become reality -- as in reality TV. Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar…
Called "Donald J. Creepy," stores are having trouble keeping this particular creepy clown in stock.
Animal rights advocates and Tom Hanks fans are eagerly awaiting an upcoming biopic about Harambe, the gorilla that was shot by Cincinnati zoo officials earlier this year after a three-year-old boy entered his enclosure.
Langley, VA – (

“Makes British serial child molestor pervert Jimmy Savile look like the bloody virgin Mary,” a former intelligence bigwig said today amid claims Bill Clinton orchestrated a lavish whitewash to save his own fetid foreskin by ‘deleting’ evidence of a horrible predatory past.
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump refuses to drop out of the race, despite the growing clamor for him to do so from top GOP leaders.   Trump knows he's going to lose this election, but quitting is not something that can ever be expected of him.…
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - On Wednesday, Rudy Giuliani accused Hillary Clinton of lying about her response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The former New York City mayor and Trump supporter said: "I heard her say that she was there that day. I was there that day, I don’t remember seeing Hillary Clinton…
Right wingers demand EU 'clean beaches' regulations be abolished post-'Brexit', Demand right to dump British sewage on British beaches without EU interference. Suggestions that immigrants' excrement should be repatriated to countries of origin.
Wilmington, DE – (
In yet another setback for President Obama’s clean energy loan programs, the recipient of more than a half-billion dollars in federal loan guarantees is laying off workers at their Delaware and California operations. This comes on the heels of other energy failures in which of the top dozen solar companies that received millions in taxpayer monies, almost all have failed and neglected to pay back the Federal loans.
Nashville, TN- (

Frustrated over seeing his environmental influence being challenged by a series of deep cold winter storms that have people scrambling to keep warm in almost every state, ex-vice president and perennial sore loser Al Gore is at a loss for words and has gone into hiding somewhere on his 77,000 acre Tennessee estate.
London UK – (
Al Gore was invited to speak at the May meeting of the modern day Flat Earth Society (FES) London Branch (LB) about his theories of greenhouse gases causing Global Warming/Climate Change and the catastrophic results. Mr. Gore, 15 of his associates and 10 reporters boarded two of his private jets to fly to London.
Newly unearthed records that feature venerated former presidents using crude and chauvinistic language make Donald Trump's 'locker room talk' appear extremely mild in comparison, his campaign says.
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - The 2016 U.S. presidential contest between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republic Donald Trump has boiled down to who has the more damaging audio or video of the other candidate. So far, the 2015 video of Donald Trump bragging to Billy Bush about kissing and groping women has…
A South Louisiana resident with a recently formed, debilitating fear of clowns shot one of the world’s most recognizable corporate mascots as dozens of children looked on in horror, according to police.

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