Check Please!
A South Louisiana resident with a recently formed, debilitating fear of clowns shot one of the world’s most recognizable corporate mascots as dozens of children looked on in horror, according to police.
I’d rather have Trump knuckle-deep in my daughter’s vaj than have Killary anywhere near the White House.
Our 200th episode features Mike Honore and Adam Wilson discussing women they attract, hilarious dialects, some mansplaining, and classic (and new) “dickhole so big” jokes.
This comes on the back of production of the Samsung Note 7 being halted after several of the headsets caught fire or exploded.
Washington, DC - (
With illegal aliens flooding the border like there’s a perpetual two-for-one sale at Taco Bell, president Barack Obama is hesitating visiting the border and giving his border patrol agents a round of encouragement for duty above and beyond. Duties for the beleagued agents now entail diaper changing, sick border jumpers, and shuttling minors to places of safety. What’s now being called “Obama’s Katrina” threatens to overwhelm our justice system and strain the liberties guaranteed in our Constitution.
Laura Partridge, 27, has been going about her life as usual despite suffering from a nasty sinus infection that has left her with a blocked nose, severe earache and a steady flow of tears leaking from her eyes.
LAS VEGAS,  Nevada (The Adobo Chronicles, Las Vegas Bureau) - The non-profit Commission on Presidential Debates just announced a new format for the third and final debate between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. The commission has finally acknowledged that time limits given to candidates to answer questions or rebutt answers of their opponents has…
ST. LOUIS – It was a magical moment during an otherwise contentious second presidential debate. Having just exchanged verbal blows over whether each candidate was fit to serve as president or not, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton broke into song in what pundits are calling “the first debate duet in political history.”
NEW YORK CITY--In an apparent attempt to appeal to both Republican and Democratic voters, GOP Presidential Nominee Donald Trump today clarified his stance on abortion. "Abortion is wrong--period.  I've been very clear on this," Trump explained, "But, maybe you could make it look like an accident of some kind.  You fall down the stairs.  It…
With only a month to go before the election, the Republican Party was in running about like a headless chicken mode today, according to a person who asked us not to reveal her identity because it is not their official position.
Officials in thousands of municipalities across the United State are reporting massive water shortages after much of the country felt compelled to shower after watching Sunday night’s debate between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
The clown jumped Corbyn from behind, pushed him down and hit him several times with a baseball bat before running off laughing.
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (The Adobo Chronicles, Berlin Bureau) - Who would have thought that there could be anything more damaging  to Donald Trump than the explosive audio tape in which he is heard bragging about kissing and groping women?  Well, there is. The Sweden-based Wikileaks today released a document which apparently confirms a rare medical condition with…
“Following this particular set of rules you’d be drinking an entire fifth of bourbon in the first twelve minutes of the debate,” said Murthy. “It’s just not safe, people.”
MINNEAPOLIS, Minesotta (The Adobo Chronicles, San Francisco Bureau) - Former Minesotta Representative Michele Bachmann is not at all bothered by Donald Trump's comments about kissing and groping women.  It's just 'bad boy talk,' she told Chris Matthews on MSNBC. "In fact, I myself always carry a pack of tic tacs in my bag," she said, referring…
Following the success of the 'Cardboard Constable' programme – where cardboard cut-outs of police traffic officers were placed at accident black spots – Police Scotland have announced a new road safety programme. Unofficially known as 'Pretendy Police', the scheme will involve offering fake 'blues and twos' to motorists with white cars.
“Does Sarah Palin have a family member out humping a sheep somewhere who can stand in?” —John Q. Republican
‘C’mon, those Flint people are just pussies – no pun intended. I like a city that doesn’t get sick from poison.’ In what was seen as an effort to divert attention from the latest Trump scandal, #PussyGate, the Republican nominee for president called the Flint water crisis a “hoax” at a campaign stop in Lansing...
New York, NY – (
“No wonder Bill Clinton is pissed,” a concierge at the imposing Billionaires Row tower said this weekend, “now that his Arkansas Presidential Library rooftop poop (pool? – Ed) pipe-dream’s been trumped – by Obama’s new Foundation pad.”

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