Check Please!
Las Vegas, NV – (
Ever since Harry Reid’s New Year’s Day photo was plastered over the news media with his bruised face and heavily damaged eye, speculation as to what really happened has flooded the airwaves and new media. Reports of an exercising injury, a dust up with a drunken brother, and a mafia inspired beating have all captured the public’s imagination. Now, thanks to a hidden security camera, SatireWorld can now bring you the complete story.
Niarobi, Kenya – (
Failed Kenyan politician, Malik (Roy) Obama, first son amongst many fathered by Barack Obama Sr, says”Dad was very loose with his cannon, and it would go off indiscriminately leading to my very large family of siblings including my kid brother ‘Lil Barry!’ He was adamantly against any form of gun control infringing on his ‘uman rights to procreate!”
BEIJING, China (The Adobo Chronicles, Tokyo Bureau) - These are two photos, both taken in China.   Can you spot the difference? (Use our comments section)
True story as heard by Walter Bucket!
“My name is Dr. Maas. For many years I accompanied my detective friend, Mucus Stools on his adventures. And yes, I remember the strange case of the Mulch Family Caper very well.
My friend was visiting me in my flat on Boulevard Street when I heard the telephone ring over Stools playing his spoons and huffing airplane glue while comparing different dogs and their crap to write a small monogram on the subject.
Washington, DC – (
A new insiders view into the Michele Obama White House reveals the First Lady was not happy with her position in Chicago, which she claims was ruled by ‘insular white, Irish Catholics,’ and didn’t want to move to Washington until Sheila Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters were able to rename her residence ‘something more politically correct to fit my image and stature.’
Apparently efforts to change the ‘White House’ to “My Big Fat Pile” didn’t get very far.
MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) - While Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte may have drawn some parallel between himself and Adolf Hitler, Senator Leila De Lima, former Justice Secretary under the Aquino administration, has likened herself to Harry Potter, that fictional darling of awizard created by author J.K. Rowling. The lady senator made…
A lot of “normal” people don’t know there’s a whole different language comedians use to talk about stand up comedy. Here's the honest explanation.
'The big puzzle is how on earth we can pay for it? How on Earth can a hugely wealthy woman obtain a yacht? If only we knew of a really wealthy family that could stump up the money for a royal yacht, but nope, nobody could think of one.'
by Paul Lander.Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to The news doesn’t need to be complicated and confusing; that’s what any new release from Microsoft is for. And, as in the case with anything from Microsoft, to keep the news from worrying our pretty little heads over, remember something new and equally indecipherable [more...]Subscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format.
Vying for the support of a quiet but ever-growing voter demographic, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton delivered a campaign speech on Monday to residents of a morgue in this sleepy Rocky Mountain town.
Huge islands of bottles and bags in the ocean seems terrible for the environment...
Washington, DC – (
First Lady Michelle Obama reacted negatively to her husband’s presidential order making Nancy Pelosi a MILF. She has ordered the White House staff and her secret service detail to immediately begin calling her “First MILF.” The First Lady is often referred to in Secret Service radio chatter as “F.L.O.T.U.S.” (First Lady Of The United States) or “One Mama.”
While kale has risen dramatically in popularity over the last handful of years thanks to its status as a ‘superfood’ it is also closely linked to being a pretentious twat – and it’s that link which has doctors worried.
LAREDO, Texas (The Adobo Chronicles, San Francisco Bureau) - You've heard it from the Trump supporters.  If their candidate Donald loses the presidential election, they will stage a violent coup to oust President Hillary.  So what happens next? In a bold manifesto uncovered today by Wikileaks, Trumpeteers (a name Trump supporters are calling themselves) will establish…
Frustrated consumer Greg Brengle took to social media today to bemoan an inadequate supply of new porn on the internet.
Donald Trump says his baby photos were cuter than Hillary Clinton's and says the interwebs should be free to say he is right, this week, only days before the third and last debate.
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - The Boston Globe has proposed to scrap the third and final U.S. presidential debate between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump.  But that's not going to happen.  Something else will. ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, FOX, and MSNBC have all decided not to broadcast…
PORTSMOUTH, New Hamphire (The Adobo Chronicles, Washinton Bureau) - Upping his criticism of Hillary Clinton’s debate performances, Donald Trump suggested without any Saturday that his opponent had been on drugs during their second debate. “I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate,” Mr. Trump told a crowd of thousands gathered at an…
Blountstown, FL – (
The left is getting nervous as ‘The Donald’ isn’t going away into the sunset amid heated claims of sexual misconduct. In fact, all propped up charges of groping and un-warranted advances have been dispelled as fabrications including the latest from a Clinton campaign worker who claims she was groped by Trump in 1973 when she worked for her family’s business in Florida.

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