Check Please!
And watercolours are still a bugger to master…
Dave ponders if humans will continue to have jobs once intelligent robots enter the economy.
Yeah, spelling is going to be even a little more of a problem than usual, but c’est la vie. I admit I have no interest in the Dem debate. There, I said it. I was like, crap. I have to watch this shit? You see Tuesday is the new Wednesday in Flagstaff. Don’t read too deeply into that. No…
Channel 4 has announced that it has finally come up with a format to rival the success of Gogglebox, the documentary-style reality show it created in 2013 that allows viewers to watch various families as they watch TV.

"We toyed with various ideas," said a Channel 4 executive, "including Celebrity Gogglebox. Though obviously, we don't mean actual celebrities - just people who've been in an earlier series of Gogglebox. That counts, right?
by Gary Chew.“Freeheld” – a movie review by Gary Chew With such a glut of regurgitated violence and bloody CGI shenanigans on the big and small screens, I cast my vote for people who assess and meter the quality of movies to cut a modicum of slack for films that appear armed with a significant amount of [more...]Subscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format.
THE KREMLIN (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin announced he was running for the Republican presidential nomination due to how much his policies overlapped with those of the GOP. Putin's announcement elicited immediate gushing from Republicans and the right-wing propaganda networks that have praised Putin's strength and intelligence for years while they condemned President Obama for not starting a war with Russia over regional conflicts.
Jeremy, Sunny, and Mike Honore discuss the state fire marshal's engagement to a married woman, proper steroid use, and the benefits of steroid-shrunken testicles.
Many of the same people who relish in boasting about how awesome America is also claim that many seemingly highly beneficial goals are too hard to accomplish, even though these very objectives have already been accomplished by less awesome countries.
Written a piece over at The What & The Why on refugees, patriotism and the rise of nationalism.
If the modern computer games publishers decided to reinvent the 1980s text adventure...
Just be thankful we didn’t go with the runner up.  
Education Secretary Nicky Morgan is to confirm an expansion in selective schooling, in order to finally create a race of ‘troglodyte over-lords’. In a homage to H. G. Wells’ novel, Kent County Council have managed to go back in time to the 1950’s and a curriculum based on eugenics, the Eton wall game and plot of Billy Bunter.
“Bridge of Spies” – a film review by Gary Chew Seeing Steven Spielberg’s new film as it now opens allows you to compare the current military activity of Vladimir Putin in Syria with the historic and legendary downing of an American U-2 spy plane over Soviet Russia in 1960...
WOLFSBURG, Germany (The Adobo Chronicles) - Apple faces some serious competition for its new product, the Apple Watch, and it's coming from an automaker, Volkswagen. Volkswagen, the world's largest automaker, is in deep trouble over its rigging of diesel engine emissions tests in America and Europe. The company falsified U.S. pollution tests by installing software ("defeat devices")…
Cupertino, CA –  Tim Cook grinned as he signed off on the 2016 plan for Apple Corporation.  He pulled out his $2000 dollar pen and scribbled his signature and agreement to the plan of making a shitload more money in the coming year.
Luxembourg propeller planes bombed Syria today, joining a long and growing list of nations to have done so this year.
How you choose to inform people of your illness changes the actual severity of that illness...
A man was left shocked and insulted after completing an activity without a request to ‘evaluate his experience’ on-line for a chance to win something.
by Michael Egan.Police say Huckleberry Finn was spotted floating down the Mississippi with a fugitive African-American immigrant agricultural worker. HANNIBAL, MO – Lovable scamp Huckleberry Finn, whose childhood “adventures” were celebrated by best-selling American author Mark Twain, was shot dead by Missouri police today. Mr Twain, who now resides permanently in an up-state New York cemetery, was [more...]Subscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format.
LAS VEGAS, Nevada (The Adobo Chronicles) - At Tuesday's CNN Democratic debate, the issue of casino capitalism was front and center when moderator Anderson Cooper asked Senator Bernie Sanders if he considered himself a socialist. During the debate, Sanders defended democratic socialism and declared he was not a capitalist. "Do I consider myself part of the casino…

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