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LAS VEGAS, Nevada (The Adobo Chronicles) - Yesterday, The Adobo Chronicles called out the organizers of the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant for incorrectly spelling 'Philippines.' Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, owner of the Miss Universe Organization, had issued a call for the hiring of a Filipino copyeditor to avoid similar errors going forward.  In the meantime, Trump ordered…
Facebook co-founder and current CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced that to commemorate the birth of his daughter, he and his wife are going to donate 99 percent of users’ personal data to charitable causes.
In what is becoming an eerily regular occurrence, armed gunmen injured and killed dozens of innocent citizens in California today for no apparent reason.
PARIS (The Barbed Wire) - President Obama has concluded two days of making a fool of himself at the climate summit here. Warning the world of the dangers of magic warming gas in our atmosphere, the president painted an apocalyptic vision of the future if the world doesn't start believing his climate hysteria. Immediately.
LSU’s Coates Hall, best known for freshman-level classes and persistent glory holes, is about to become a little more friendly to transgender people who want to participate in anonymous oral sex in a relatively safe environment.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Today, the conservative think tank Work Harder America released the results of a study on the collapse of the middle class in America. The study clearly showed the wealthy paying less in taxes had nothing to do with the disappearing middle class, which simply needed to work harder for the wealth to trickle down to it.
Jihadist group ISIS have claimed responsibility for the huge turd which recently brought Brussels to a standstill. Belgian authorities declare 'Code Brown' as Jihadist 'Shit to Kill' tactics hit Metro.
PARIS, France (The Adobo Chronicles) - U.S. President Barack Obama has finally broken his silence over the Philippine presidential race that's turning out to be the most controversial ever in the political  history of the former American colony. Speaking to reporters in Paris where he is attending a world summit on climate change, Obama said, 'I…
Congress just passed a bill establishing new names for popular foods with Arab roots.
Jeb Bush’s campaign is hustling to do damage control after an exchange Sunday between Bush and John Dickerson on CBS's "Face the Nation" wherein Bush seemed to defend the idea that only a dynasty can save America.
A Missouri company is selling testicular prosthetic implants specially designed for Congress.
Jihadists who fail to complete their missions of martyrdom are to be offered an innovative new exit strategy designed by Dignitas, the world leader in assisted suicide.
Delighting those who enjoy watching endless streams of photos and data flowing by a screen, several of the best-known social networking services have announced that they are merging to form the world’s largest waste of time.
The average person spends about 4 years out of their life on the toilet taking a dump.  That’s at about 10 minutes per day and we know that many of you out there are not average. 
There has been a growing number of people comparing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. This is not a fair comparison, as evidenced by these 11 glaring differences between the two men.

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