Check Please!
“Her questions about immigration reform were out of line,” Rubio said. “I was standing my ground, per accepted Florida law. She had it coming.”
Hoping to emulate the success of Movember, the charity fad that has raised millions of dollars for testicular cancer research over the last several years, activists in California have announced the inauguration of “Fepubary.”
DES MOINES, Iowa (The Adobo Chronicles) - Now it can be told. There was no Donald Trump in last night's FOX News GOP presidential debate.  He has dropped out. The runner-up in the GOP presidential polls has also hinted he's next to quit. For those who watched the televised debate, they know that Cruz threatened to…
MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles) -  Leave it to the Filipinos to correct a major error, like Steve Harvey's announcement of the wrong winner in last month's Miss Universe beauty pageant in Las Vegas. Miss Colombia wore the crown for several minutes before Harvey came back on stage to admit he mistakenly announced the South…
Paris, FR—Shortly after Trump’s unveiling a team of experts deemed the portrait “a complete fraud.” They were immediately suspicious of Donald Trump’s claim this was a portrait painted by Picasso himself. During a press conference, The Donald made several statements that raised questions about the painting’s authenticity. “Many years ago I commissioned Picasso to complete a self-portrait of myself.…
Yes, it’s true – the Rock Bottom Remainders are a rock band with Stephen King, Matt Groening, Dave Barry and more in it! Unannounced to most of us, one of the most incredible rock and roll groups has passed before us and we didn’t even notice it. Maybe most of us were too stoned.
Manila, Philippines – (

Back pay mathematics is going to be a real tough chore for the Japanese Army pay masters to come to grips with in the next few months. Especially distributing paychecks for the 134 men who’ve been on continuous combat duty in the remote mountains of the Philippines since 1943.
A recent outbreak of the Zeta virus has caused a major public health scare. Thought to be activated by pictures of Catherine Zeta-Jones, the virus mainly...
Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith are not pleased with the racial makeup of the 2016 Oscar nominees, so they are calling for a “conscientious absenteeism” -- if I may offer a suitably puffed-up term -- of the 88th Academy Awards. My first thought upon reading this news was, who cares? And then I realized that a great many people care deeply about what stars think, and that few people care about what I think.
A new porn domain was discovered in the worldwide web by entrepreneurial explorers yesterday - a rare find in a realm where such names were thought to have long been extinct.
Sunny Weathers explains to Jared Kendall and Jeremy White why you shouldn’t judge a person by one prolonged, rage-filled episode in traffic.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Today, 9-1-1 operators across the country announced they were bracing themselves for a sharp rise in calls related to shattered television and computer screens during the Republican presidential primary debate tonight. Virtually all 9-1-1 operators and heightened numbers of first responders will be working tonight, and both groups expected injuries like lacerations, severe blood loss, electrocutions, and wounds filled with glass, among many others.
NEW YORK — Rookie sensation Kristaps Porzingis is electrifying Knicks fans with his energetic, high-flying play and yout…
New York, NY – (

A petulant Donald Trump threw the 2016 elections into turmoil and doubt as he announced he was considering a run at the Presidency as an independent after changing his party affiliation to “Quisling”, after two years spent infiltrating the Republican Party.
Flint, MI—Two years ago the city of Flint, Michigan shifted to a more fiscally sound and sustainable water supply. Unfortunately lead has now completely contaminated the water supply as well as the people themselves. The Governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, is now scrambling to fix the situation and mitigate the health toll. At a town…
Gov. Rick Snyder: “Why fly to Iraq to see urban death, destruction and despair? In Michigan, we have it all and at a fraction of the price!”
Washington, DC – (

Administration officials confirmed today that the two man nuclear inspection team selected to inspect compliance issues with the Iranian government will be leaving on April 1st to lay the groundwork for all future nuclear inspections and onsite preparations for follow-up teams. The two-man team will meet with Iranian officials in Tehran.
The cross-armed, tutting British public shook their heads in disgust at new spate  of flood warnings today, ranging from West Scotland through Cumbria, Wales,
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced she thought her favorability among Americans would improve if she attacked U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont for championing policies most Americans supported. Clinton dismissed criticism she was using the same strategy utilized by her 2008 campaign, which resulted in Clinton losing the Democratic presidential nomination to then-U.S. Senator Barack Obama of Illinois.
Central Pacific Ocean, (

A US Coast Guard helicopter made an astounding discover Tuesday after scouting out the gigantic floating debris field resulting from the 2011 tsunami that rocked the east coast of Japan.
A ragged survivor hailed the low-flying helicopter with a remnant of a shirt. He was floating on an overturned houseboat. The Coast Gurard summoned a nearby cutter which launched a small boat that eventually rescued the 48 year old man who said he was ‘washed out of a hotel bed’ by the tsunami and sucked out to sea during the worst calamity to hit Japan in over 20

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