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Danny Clay has always loved his job as the guy who decides if a Motorcycle operator should get their license...
With the news that Universities are now accepting more new students than ever, even some of the slightly dim ones have a chance to be weighed down by a huge debt in exchange for a certificate they will likely never use.
For years conspiracy theories have circulated that any drinker could easily drink as many pints of beer as they liked with no repercussions if it wasn’t for a mystical dodgy eighth pint that was loaded with evil intent. It is that pint that results in hangovers and stomach problems the next day.
"Oh not another dancing banana and dancing strawberry again." Jessie Krufts, Food Critic
The film posits a future where the peace movement has become ascendant across the world, not as a result of rational argument or peaceful protest, but rather by force. Frustrated by the resistance to their creed, have decided to force their whole ideal onto people, deploying psychedelically painted tanks against pro war protesters...
"I never knew those dolls were bullet proof. I suppose if you think about it they need to be quite tough or they'll puncture." Jessie Krufts, Scientist
Try as they might, North Korea hasn’t had much luck with their rocket launches lately. They’d like to impress their enemies by showing off the nation’s military might, but tests have so far been less than intimidating.
The newly restarted Large Hadron Collider known as the LHC had been in action for a few days before researchers noticed a troubling sound.
We feel obligated to laud an intrepid local reporter and his recent brave actions to stand up for his right — and the right of countless other journalists — to freely contribute to the decline of his profession without unlawful persecution from police.
A 1970's classic rock anthem from deceased singer-songwriter Warren Zevon was given a new lease on life Thursday in the nation's capital when it was played repeatedly for over four hours at an unusually loud volume in the West Wing of the White House.
Obi-Wan Corbyn has resigned himself to being killed by Darth Mayder in the upcoming general election as he knows his spirit will move on and allow Labour to win in other ways, just like wot happened in Star Wars, according to a young Labour Star Wars fan this morning.
Washington DC – (
Abandoned for posterity inside her cavernous punani during the notorious 1992-2000 Clinton/Gore period, a rancid tampon may have been behind almost a decade of the former Fist Lady’s bloody tantrums according to the latest forensic psychiatry report.
37 year-old Robert Klein of San Diego has yet to murder his family after losing his job last week, a local news agency reported this morning.
Having trouble keeping your New Year's resolutions? It's because you're a loser.
MILAN (AP) – In an inspirational case of walking the walk (in this case, literally), former President Barack Obama arrived on foot to make a speech on climate change at the “Seed & Chips: The Global Food Innovation Summit” in the city of Milan, Italy.
Seeing no other way to remedy a dangerous situation, the president ended the government shutdown in hopes of averting a nationwide cheeseburger shortage.
San Francisco CA – (
A town meeting was held with the San Francisco Board of Supervisors (SFBS) to discuss citizen complaints about coyotes living in the “City by the Bay,” eating small dogs and cats.
Senator Bernie Sanders and former Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, better known as hecklers Waldorf and Statler on The Muppets, have officially announced their decision to join the 2020 presidential race.
Lionel The Lion expressed his views today during a discussion on Zeb Talk which received a record number of complaints.

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