Check Please!
Philadelphia, PA – (
Just How Stupid Does Hillary Think Voters Are?

The Democratic National Convention kicked off today with swirling rumors there was collusion between Debbie Wasserman-Schultz emails and Hillary Clinton concerning the sabotage of the Bernie Sanders Presidential campaign. This accusation highlights the unfair Clinton advantage that cost millions of dollars from Bernie donors and countless hours of the Sander Campaign volunteer’s time.
Q: I read that state Sen. Troy Brown was arrested again for domestic abuse, this time for allegedly biting his wife on the arm. Wasn’t he arrested for domestic abuse in New Orleans for punching his side piece during the Bayou Classic last year? How is he still a state senator? How many domestic abuse charges does it take to kick someone out of office in Louisiana?
Washington, DC – (
The 2008 and 2016 losing Democratic presidential candidate and corrupt Obama Administration Secretary of State (SOS) Hillary Clinton makes inventive remarks in a new interview with a noted CNN reporter! She defended her husband “Slick Willie” against the allegations of sexual misconduct that he has faced over the years.
Ivanka scores space in daddy's West Wing for a classy sales pitch. Eat yer heart out, Nordstroms.
Someone with a name remarkably similar to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s has formed a political action committee named “HackPAC” with the purported aim of supporting Donald Trump’s presidential bid.
Palm Springs, CA- (
A conference in Palm Springs, California for Fraternity Presidents of all different Greek groups representing all NCAA Universities was held last week to “plan Spring Break.” In addition to the obligatory toga parties, wet t-shirt contests, keggers, and other politically correct activities, the college and university students also voted on the women that they found “least MILFish” (in other words, the mature women that they would least like to have sexual intercourse with).

Local research assistant David Michel made a huge boo-boo at work the other night when he accidentally opened a vial of super deadly super-virus mistaking it for hand sanitizer...
He was last seen in July 1987. After spending the morning cutting the grass and clearing out the side way, he took the rubbish to the local dump where it is believed he fell in.
Washington, DC - (

The Democratic National Committee has requested national TV air time in order to caution fellow Democrats about how to avoid long lines at the polls and to advise them to cast their vote on Wednesday, November 7th when lines at the polls will be considerably shorter
Harold Crumbs, also known as Voldvaderon to millions of online gamers, is 98 percent sure he can move things with his brain.
Dallas, Texas – (
Rockers Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby have a few kind words for their fans...'We love you guys!’ Ever since the rock group ‘The Lee Harvey Oswald Band’ was formed fifty years ago, success still seems to follow them wherever they play.
Selvoka, Poland-(
Former Ukrainian concentration camp guard John Demjanjuk’s trial began today for the murders committed when he served as a Nazi death camp guard in German occupied Russia. He was finally arrested for lying on a citizenship application and entering the US illegally immediately after the end of WWII. He was deported after a lengthy immigration battle back to Germany.
( -
The father of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq who is caught up in a war of words with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is an immigration lawyer who specializes in a highly controversial program accused of letting immigrants buy their way into the U.S.
In a gesture of goodwill toward Democrats this week, House Republicans said they are glad to be "moving forward" after the 2018 midterm elections and are "ready to work in a spirit of bi-partisanship and mutual respect".
‘I’ve been a taxi driver for the last fifteen years and I’ve never noticed it before at all. It’s like it suddenly appeared over night. It goes up and down but I’ll be damned if I know what it does,’ said Saeid Herath.
In a statement released Tuesday, United Airlines announced that they will be expanding their slew of in-flight entertainment & dining options to include physician-assisted suicide.
Marta Hendrix has decided to make a huge health sacrifice in order to
serve the lord and spread his message of peace and love through the melanoma
spot on her right shoulder blade.
A black man who was shot and killed by police at a mall outside Birmingham should have changed the color of his skin before the officer pulled the trigger, according to a statement issued by police.
Some people call it procrastination, local man Mort Feebly calls it being clutch.

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