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In an announcement timed to coincide with the forthcoming release of a film about Apple founder Steve Jobs, users of the Mac computer operating system have insisted on their right to be treated as a oppressed group, with all the privileges that entails.
by Jim Hightower.Picking the Speaker of the House: What’s at work here is the Crazy Caucus If it were under the big top, it would be a hilarious clown show — with pratfalls, wild posturing, tumbling, juggling and a cacophony of comic chaos. But alas, it’s under the Capitol dome, so it’s just the Republican congressional caucus [more...]Subscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format.
Millions of morons across the world believe the new Netflix movie Beasts Of No Nation is an accurate portrayal of Africa.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, all of the Republican presidential candidates condemned Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont for publicly declaring he planned to feed the hungry, as well as help the poor, sick, elderly, and other struggling Americans. The Republican field was unanimous in its derision of the socialist policies espoused by Sanders, which would treat the most vulnerable Americans as actual people and respected members of the nation's community.
How punk are you? Would you really like to know? With this handy quiz, now you can! Amaze your friends, or disgust them outright. Get kicked out of pubs, or finally get invited back into them! Just hit the read more button, answer the ten questions, and you too could be the next punk rock…
Theresa May has criticised Britain’s police for having no black officers apart from Luther. In a speech to the Black Police Association, made in her front room last night, the Home Secretary commented. ‘In the past, one black and ethnic minority officer has always appeared in press photographs of the Notting Hill Carnival, dancing with a fat lady. What happened to him?’
‘Why go to Africa to kill lions? We’re running out of execution drugs, let them hunt death row inmates here!’ says judge MOBILE, AL – County Judge Arabella Squatpump has a unique solution to the problem of increasingly unavailable execution drugs – allow sports hunters like dentist Walter Palmer, killer of Cecil the Lion, to [more...]
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles) - Imagine breakfast without bacon. Now you don't have to. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has banned the production and sale of cured bacon in the country because of its link to cancer. Bacon is either cured or uncured while all bacon is soaked in brine to give it…
Kodiak – Observers to the recent friendship and alliance that bears and wolves have formed are impressed, yet startled at the bond they have created.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont requested the Republican-led Select Committee on Benghazi send him a subpoena to answer questions about the September 2012 attack. Sanders asked Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC-04) - the committee's chair - to have him grilled during a hyper-partisan hearing after seeing how the inept Republicans running the kangaroo committee made his presidential opponent former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stronger.
         …which is odd because they’ve been at it for a long time.
After wasting five minutes of my life that I’ll never get back again trying to politely get rid of the slick-talking dude who’d phoned, intent upon selling me seasons tickets to the opera, I asked my Facebook pals, “What’s the best way to deal with telemarketers?”
Once upon a Halloween, children would innocently pat flour on their cheeks, giving themselves a fun, vampire-like hue. Some youngsters would even spend their nickels and dimes on a jar of ghoulish green face paint -- the final touch in a spooky Frankenstein outfit.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles) - All day, Republican lawmakers asked Hillary Clinton all sorts of questions regarding Benghazi. It happened on Capitol Hill during a special congressional committee hearing. But no question could have been more significant and relevant than that asked by Congresswoman Martha Roby (R, Alabama). Roby asked Clinton if she was at…
WASHINGTON D.C. (The Barbed Wire) - Establishment Republicans have been clamoring for Rep. Paul Ryan to run for Speaker of the House to fill the position being vacated by the exit of John Boehner. Ryan has been reluctant to put his name in for consideration because he knows it's a tough, thankless job.
Jeramaine Jingles drops by the show. He and Sunny school Knick on why being the Michigan-Michigan State game hero is worth suffering a potentially crippling injury.
The International House of Pancakes isn’t just feeding Americans European-style food, according to Republican presidential hopeful Bobby Jindal.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Today, Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ignored all questions from the Select Committee on Benghazi, which infuriated Republican committee members. Rather than listening to and answering questions, Clinton gave the whole event very low priority and sat calmly in her chair as she read a children's book by the name of "The Pet Goat."

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