Check Please!
The pig in the now infamous, and completely denied, David Cameron and pig picture has been found, according to online sources.
The always fun Ruby42 joins Sunny and Jeremy to talk about the first annual "Jerk-a-thon," "Dick in Space 3-D," and Ruby's beaver.
'Phwoarr, wouldn't mind giving 'er a column on a regular basis!' remarked Rusbridger to a barrage of male laughter. Other members of staff agreed it was an excellent idea, including features writer George 'Balls of Steel' Monbiot.
The Pope is coming, and Philadelphia is getting ready. Pope Francis will be in town from September 26-27, which the locals have begun referring to as “Pope Weekend.” Large sections of the city will be closed to traffic, all major highways in and out of Philadelphia will be shut down...
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles® ) -  Overwhelmed by the Pope's presence, and the enlightenment of The Holy Spirit, a tearful and repentant House Speaker John Boehner promised to lead the Republican Party to institute major reforms long resisted by the GOP. Pope Francis addressed a joint session of the U.S. Congress this morning, calling on…
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles®) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is done with FOX News, and CNN couldn't be happier. Trump has reignited his war of words with FOX, vowing on his Twitter account that he will stay off the network for the “foreseeable future.” Trump declared in a tweet Wednesday morning that he…
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, American millennials reflected on how many things needed to be fixed in the wake of their parents, which they concluded were members of the "Most Selfish Generation" in American history. Millennials realized the Most Selfish Generation was giving them "a colossal mess to clean up" due to its refusal to pay for anything it uses, its conscious decision not to invest in any future projects other than military expenditures, and its embrace of social conflicts meant to distract Americans while the super-rich rob everyone else in broad daylight and exa
Having finally laid to rest their classic horror monsters by pitching them against Abbott and Costello in a series of cheap B-movies, Universal Pictures, desperate to prop up the dire duo’s film career, turned their attention to another of their best loved franchises - Sherlock Holmes.
Knick and James are reunited to talk about intercourse with people of the felt persuasion. Then Knick crosses a line and James almost loses it. Almost.
The sinkhole cited Vitter’s pro-hole track record in announcing its support of the Republican’s bid for governor.
Although the Prime Minister was keen to talk about international bank rates, the situation in the Mediterranean and the cooler autumn weather, Her Majesty kept coming back to the unspecified accusations she had heard about on Radio 4 news.
The Republican debates are more than just long. No, really. To the one-thirteenth of all Americans who watched the latest GOP debate, congratulations on surviving the political equivalent of the 24 Hours of Le Mans. You just climbed Campaign Everest. Strapped to a pair of debates. Or to be more precise; a pair of mind-numbing...
Alternative ways Elon Musk could warm Mars without nuking the polar ice caps.
JACKSON, WYOMING (The Nil Admirari) - Former Vice President Dick Cheney announced today he was running for president and hoped to be the Republican nominee. Cheney said his presidency would strive "to complete the important work started by President George W. Bush and repair the damage President Obama has done."
Even if we pretend that he’s as white as he pretends to be, Jindal is still the least qualified person in America to tell immigrants they should assimilate and speak English.
PENSACOLA, Florida (The Adobo Chronicles®) - The District Attorney's office in Pensacola is preparing to file charges against a puppy who shot and wounded a Florida man yesterday. The man who  tried to shoot seven puppies was shot himself when one of the dogs put its paw on his .38-caliber revolver’s trigger. Jerry Allen Bradford, 37,…

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