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"I would be invincible with trunks like that." Jimmy Popper, Trunks Designer
Scientists have discovered traces of human DNA in the auditorium where Donald Trump held a boisterous and offensive rally earlier today.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Today, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI-01) confirmed he was just as bad at his job as his predecessor, because the federal government was almost certain to shut down at the end of the week. Ryan asserted he may actually be worse than Boehner due to his over willingness to allow ultra-extreme-right-wing Republicans to have their Teabagger tantrum over Planned Parenthood and Obamacare, and callously harm veterans, the elderly, the poor, at-risk children, the sick and disabled, and many other groups that depend on government assistance simply to survive.
A senior officer in the Atheist Secular Army stands accused of committing war crimes in the decadeslong war against Christmas.
The views expressed in this video are not necessarily the views of The Daily Discord, which is odd because it’s our video.  
Despite being spotted Christmas shopping together in Hamley’s toy store this week, then collecting salads at the Rainforest Café, the Braggs continue to deny a father and son relationship.
Doc says it’s normal, but Caitlyn Jenner not amused Every morning, Caitlyn Jenner wakes up from dreams of starring in a Lifetime original movie, only to find that her penis...
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (The Adobo Chronicles) - Newsroom layoffs have finally caught up with the Philadelphia Daily News, particularly the lack of headline writers and copy editors.  Case in point: today's front page. The Daily News ran a front page cover with a photo of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his latest pronouncement calling for the banning of…
"Show him how to do a single summersault next." Jimmy Popper, Circus Trainer
Washington – Daniela Vrooman, 4, took an unexpected trip to the White House this past Wednesday with her family.  President Obama and his staff invited Daniela as a good will gesture.  Doctors diagnosed the young child as a mute and have suggested with some certainty that she will never be able to speak again.
LAS VEGAS, Nevada (The Adobo Chronicles) - There was confusion at the Planet Hollywood Resort in Las Vegas on Sunday, when the candidates for the Miss Universe Pageant were introduced to the media for the first time. When Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach was called, reporters thought they would be meeting Miss Germany.  Wurtzbach is Miss Philippines who…
The June 12th decapitation of a 70-year-old baker in Landi Kotal, near the Khyber region, by the Taliban, has terrorized the local population and aroused universal condemnation from tribal societies and human rights activists.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, Republican presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas announced his plan to turn the United States into a merciless Christian theocracy. Cruz called his new platform "Make America a Christian Iran," but informed Americans the Christian dictatorship he imagined for America could also be compared to the brutal Islamic regime in Saudi Arabia.
A Baton Rouge man with anti-Islam sentiments and a Muslim player on his fantasy football team said he wants to see America rid of all Muslims after the conclusion of the current NFL regular season.
by Humor Times.Contest Winners Here are the Humor Times Cartoon Caption Contest Winners for the contest ending Dec. 1, 2015. To enter the current contest, go to our Cartoon Caption Contest. Please [more...]Subscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format.
Standing on a city street corner waiting for a bus can be more risky than you think, especially if you and your child are dressed in a black burka in an attempt to practice your Islamic customs and beliefs.
U.S. Army and Marine units have been using their drones in airborne cock fights, to settle rivalries and bets. And no one is complaining.
Plains, GA—Former President Jimmy Carter was recently diagnosed with a malignant melanoma. Many on the right have therefore concluded he was a goner and called him such names as, “The Neville Chamberlain of Malignancy” and “Weak on Cancer.” The 91-year old has proved them all wrong again as his last test indicates he is now totally free…
A man in central London in the midst of carrying out a murderous attack on a number of Syrians was heckled by a passer-by, who accused him of not being the socialist he claimed to be.
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