Check Please!
Hillary “Rod-em” Clinton, NPI, was officially outed yesterday after long time Slick Willy’s paramour for 12 years in Arkansas, confirmed what many have thought for years: Her pants suits are not just for heteros anymore!
The long time mistress was touting her history with the former president at a book signing for her new non fiction novel “Gennifer De-FLOWERED”
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton drew a contrast with U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont by telling supporters her rival was the son of Soviet Union dictator Joseph Stalin. Clinton also accused Sanders of being a sleeper agent, and part of a long-term communist conspiracy started by Stalin to seize control of the United States.
Strengths/Weaknesses Breakdown For Donald Trump's Imminent Presidency
AMES, Iowa (The Adobo Chronicles) - If you are one of those people who wondered why Sarah Palin would endorse someone like Donald Trump to become president of the United States, wonder no more. It's the economy, stupid. You invest so that you gain. Lo and behold, Palin scored a huge return on her investment in…
Washington, DC - (

Bargis Tryhol, the endearing and witty writer turned political activist and now 2016 Presidential Candidate, has issued his own stimulus plan to end the Obama-nomic turn down stagnating the entire US economy. Today Tryhol released his own 'Economic Stimulus' he plans to implement immediately upon taking office in January 2017.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Today, former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin announced her daughter Bristol was pregnant for a third time, and blamed President Obama for destroying the Christian values of America and not stopping men from getting her daughter "babyfied." All three of Bristol Palin's children will have a different father, and none one of those fathers are married to Bristol, despite Sarah Palin's heavily espoused conservative Christian values.
Blountstown, FL (

The last thing 44 year old Van Pebbles thought he’d ever be was rich and famous, but a short walk across a familiar stream changed his life last September.

“I was walking Spookie my pet golden retriver when we decided to cross Parker’s Creek at the wade. It was Spookie who actually found it,” said Peebles as he lifted a four ounce gold nugget for cameras.
The chairman of the Republican National Committee has viewed the film Angel Heart no less than 20 times in the past week in hopes of gleaning hints as to how he can take back control of the heart of his party.
This rather extreme scenario, Bernie V Trump, may actually playout on the political stage. Granted, it may not go down exactly like the picture, but probably something pretty close. Folks are so disgusted with the establishment, we’re all fringing out. I fear liberals are moving too far ahead of today’s cultural psyche. We are not ready for a Bernie Sanders. Republicans…
The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was spotted by a tourist as he smirked his was across the park, failing to wear a face like a woman giving birth to a breach baby or a man having thumbscrews tightened on his testicles.
“I am responsible for every sound bite Trump has given.” – Sarah Palin “We’re gonna knock your socks off, America!” said Sarah Palin, as she signed napkins for customers at the Lock ‘N Load Dinner in Wasilla, Alaska. “Are you nervous about how the press will respond to your endorsing Trump?” asked this reporter.
Outspoken Ruby42 joins Jeremy and Sunny to discuss the pro and cons of various superpowers, her Cajun-zombie apocalypse experience, and well-endowed female runners.
Anytime the topic is brought up, conservatives inevitably point out that the person broaching the subject is either too poor or too rich to legitimately do so.
Orlando, FL – (

OK readers, put down that knife and fork and let’s review five national pizza restaurants that claim to produce, not only the best pizza, but the most authentic and tasty slices of an Italian delicacy this side of Naples, Italy.
Yellowstone National Park – (

The popular online satire site,, has issued a written directive to its staff of seasoned humor authors warning them of writing material suitable for the LGBT community.... ‘from this day forward any persons who are gay, sorta gay, homosexuals, child perverts, upside-down gendered, trans-fatty gendered, or lesbians are banned from reading any posted satire articles on SatireWorld.’
HOLLYWOOD (The Barbed Wire) - Still pissed off about the "whiteness" of the Oscars for the second year in a row, Hollywood celebrities are lining up to say they will not be voting in 2016 because the Democratic presidential field is also too white. "Are you telling me there wasn't ONE brother out there qualified to run this year?"
"I realize this kind of thing has happened hundreds of times before," the Sgt. said, "but somehow I never thought that if I posted something racist it would be perceived in the only way it could possibly be perceived."
San Quentin Prison – (
Yes, the judge finally had enough and sentenced Lindsay Lohan to the electric chair. Sentence to be carried out immediately.
Lindsay Lohan knew immediately something was wrong when she woke up and found the prison chaplain by her bedside. After confronting him with tears in her eyes, Chaplain Piebottom explained that she wasn’t leaving jail after all, and in fact, was being moved to death row.

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