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The Pentagon – (
Today, the Obama administration appointed Dr. Strangelove to be “Ebola Czar”. Strangelove, who once worked for the Pentagon as Chief Science Adviser in the 1960’s, is still vibrant and unconventional as he was 50 some years ago says Gen. Jack D. Ripper of the Strategic Air Command. Strangeloves’s signature wheelchair and cigarette are still the same, but his thick glasses are missing due to a double eye implant he received in 1985.
Trump Transition Team, NY – (

President-elect Donald Trump spoke with reporters for a few minutes today before leaving for Manhattan. He spoke of his immediate plans upon taking the oath of office in January.
Havana, Cuba – (
Former President Fidel Castro, who led a rebel army to improbable victory in Cuba, embraced Soviet-style communism, defied the power of 10 U.S. presidents during his half-century rule, and risked world-wide nuclear war has died at age 90.

Tyler, TX – (
Shortly after a Hilary Supporter was found dead in a state of ecstasy, a Tesla exec and con man warned transsexuals and lesbians not to try to re-power their love toys from govt funded recharging stations which are popping up everywhere!
Detroit, MI – (
According to SatireWorld’s rankings, Detroit is the most miserable city in the United States. Home to violent crimes, high unemployment, decreasing population and economic crises, Detroit beat out Miami (last years winner) along with Flint-MI, Chicago-IL, and Modesto-CA.
White House – (
Hysterical turmoil at the White House this morning after Malia Obama tweets “big day…got a turkey in the oven after I got stuffed by Justin Bieber!”
Guns are making their way under millions of Christmas trees as Santa Claus' everywhere add new additions to their gun safes.
Sales driven on by the Obama anti-gun crowd has made gun gifting sexy and a modern twist on popular support for the 2nd Amendment.

The White House – (
In a White House News Conference, a press secretary released the list of Barack Obama’s 2016 selections for the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The award, given since 1963, is the highest civilian honor given in the United States, ranking it with the Congressional Medal of Honor given by Congress to members of the military.
Chappaqua NY – (
Democrat Hillary Clinton lost to Republican Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. (Republican’s also maintained their majority control of the US Congress.) Following her tantrum, hissy-fit and meltdown Hillary concluded that another corrupt, lying Clinton must continue the line of corruption that Bill and Hillary are famous for.
Washington, DC – (
Sources deep with-in the Obama Administration are claiming the President wants stricter controls over purported ‘fake news’ outlets that could have tilted voter’s ballot choices during the 2016 national elections.
County Courthouse – (
Most people hate receiving a jury summons. This civic duty generally requires at least one day off work , downtown traffic and parking, long lines, hurry up and wait, inadequate bathroom facilities, no convenient lunch, losing coins in vending machines, rude and/or overworked employees (city, county, state, or Federal), sitting on un-padded seats in stuffy rooms, and watching/hearing self-important attorneys and judges.
Denver, CO – (
Flynn Combs is 25. He’s ‘between jobs’ and struggling to pay off his $250,000 college education loan. He also lives in his parent’s basement and drives a ‘classic car’ notably a 2002 Chevy Cavalier with 175K miles on it. By the way….Flynn Combs is pretty pissed!
Washington, DC – (
The GOP still basking in the shellacking it handed the gobsmacked DNC in the presidential elections of 2016. Politely offered an olive branch of sorts looking to re-ignite the friendly but competitive spirit of bygone days.
New York, NY – (
Press reports of possible Hillary Clinton trickery has been reaching the boiling point om social media when it was revealed that Hillary Clinton used a fake tears product prior to addressing her followers at her official concession speech on Wednesday.
New York City, New York - (
The once respected New York Times, which in recent years was mostly used for bird cage lining, has stepped forward and claimed that President-elect Donald J Trump is racist and is in a conspiracy that will affect black citizens.
New York, NY – (
What if Donald Trump had the hots for Hillary? Maybe it was all just some weird thing and not politics. Can you imagine!
Pyongyang, North Korea – (
North Korea’s new reverend leader, Kim Jong Un, appeared in Pyongyang Square in honor of Kim Il Sun’s (RIP) 100th birthday and took the opportunity to opine as he looked at things from his own perspective while reviewing all 1.2M men and women in the standing army as they goose stepped past the podium during the 72 hour non stop version of the Super Bowl half time show.
DNC Headquarters – (

The Democrats party symbol has been around a very long time. Many questioned the use of a simple jackass as their mascot and silently hoped that people would think it was a cute little donkey, but in reality the jackass pretty much summed up what most people thought of the Democratic party after choosing Hillary Clinton as the party’s losing standard bearer for 2016.
New York City, NY – (
The buying rush has officially began in parts of the US as hundreds of thousands of former Hillary Clinton supporters rush out to buy new shelter for themselves and their families after the stunning presidential election defeat.
Washington, DC – (
Knowing you’re about to get your ass kicked still doesn’t make it any more pleasant when it finally happened to Hillary Clinton. But in Hillary Clinton’s world it’s all the more bitter when it’s done by spoof artist pundits who get a kick out of making douchebags like the Clinton Cabel feel uncomfortable all year round and even more so during a presidential election when so much is at stake.