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Walter Bucket Presents True Facts
1. In 2002, Honda was ordered to recall over 150,000 cars after customers complained that they had completely left the bottom of the ashtrays out and that several smokers had set their pants on fire. There was a huge lawsuit and the case was taken to the Supreme Court where Spokesperson, Judge Ginsburg stated that they had sided with Honda. “After all, the fact that their pants were on fire proves that the customers were lying.”
Dear Throckmorton P. Turdblossom,
I am getting really tired of the “politically correct” attacking folks for sharing an opinion that goes against their agenda.
Science fiction writer Orson Scott Card is a Democratic Mormon (which is rare). He stated that he is opposed to gay marriage (which he has a right to be, as everyone can have an opinion).
Spokane, WA – (

It started out as a simple picnic in Twin Falls Park when Anthony ‘Rocco’ Pietro felt different than when he first arrived at the picnic area.
Phoenix, AZ – (
An Arizona legislator raised eyebrows this week with a suggestion that the state should name a holiday just for US Caucasian males. State Rep. Cecil Ash’s remarks began in jest while he was speaking on the Arizona House floor Monday, but when asked to clarify them later, Ash doubled down and said he thought such a holiday was not only a good idea, but a great idea that will be sure to catch on nationally.
Washington DC – (
Researchers who have been investigating the strange phenomena supposedly occurring in the Bermuda Triangle are now turning their attention to the mysterious Obama Triangle.
London – ( – Police on the trail of £30 millionsworth of jewelry from the Hatton Garden heist have issued artist’s impressions of several engagement sparklers suspected of being fenced into eager royal hands.
Punxsutawney PA:
Punxsutawney Phil is a fabled groundhog living in Punxsutawney PA. On February 2 (USA Groundhog Day) each year, the town of Punxsutawney celebrates this legendary groundhog with a festive atmosphere of music, food and drink. During the traditional ceremony, which begins before the winter sunrise, Phil emerges from his temporary home on Gobbler’s Knob, located about two miles from town.
Annapolis MD – (
Maryland State Police (MSP) officials are asking the public to help identify an approximately 25 year old male caught trying to grope a woman, while she was jogging on a local wooded path. Photos of the suspect will be posted via smart phones, the internet and local TV channels
Washington, DC – (
President Barack Obama, sick and tired of the recent birth certificate debacle, has decided to get even with Donald Trump. At a recent fund raising dinner, he demanded that the billionaire show the world his toupee receipts.
San Antonio, Texas – (
For years the much anticipated Wedding Night consummation was on the minds of the Pissgum twins and the Hilton twins, Daisy and Violet. Careful planning for modesty and romance became a delicate balance as just one of the two sets of conjoined twins planned to marry one another.
Downton Abbey, England – (
A real-life royal birth is coming to the Crawley residence! Satireworld confirms that Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, will visit the set of Downton Abbey on the day she’s supposed to deliver her royal baby.
Most mistakes out on the target range can get you reprimanded or worse, thrown off the range for safety violations. But one miss-word can be equally as bad, especially if said to other shooters who just might take it the wrong way. So, here’s SatireWorld’s top 20 of shooting range no-no’s.
Los Angeles, CA – (
LAX was the scene of a horrific accident caused by Michael Moore, the docu-drama queen and darling of the liberal left as he ‘rushed’ through the airport in an attempt to make a flight to Venezuela in time for Hugo Chavez’s embalming.
New York, NY - (

Two hundredweight of Botox impounded at a Saudi camel beauty pageant was redirected to Clinton Foundation orifices this morning ahead of its upcoming annual Valentines Day bash.
Trey Gowdy just said a few things about the military in response to a stupid question from a CNN reporter about the ban of transgenders. He nails it:
Washington, DC – (
Hypocrites unite! Join the Democratic Party and be with friends like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Schumer the Tumor, or Nancy Pelosi!
Holiday, New York -(
The last four men not accused of sexual harassment in the US held a joint press conference for the eager media today in Holiday, NY a sleepy Catskill Mountain resort town of 75 winter-time residents.

The Geico Auto Insurance spokes-gecko was run over and killed Tuesday in a pedestrian accident. The six inch tall reptile was crossing a busy New York street to get a taxi and was not seen by the driver of a UPS delivery truck.
Denver, CO – ( is currently marketing their product for Father’s Day. Their featured item is a picture frame that, connected through wifi, receives and displays pictures from loved ones. The manufacturer is currently heavily marketing the item for Father’s Day for a cost of about $90 (“three easy payments of $29.95”).
Washington DC – (
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given conditional approval to a newly developed medication called “SHUTHOLE” to help politicians cure their Foot in Mouth Disease, Diarrhea of the Mouth, Fake News Generation and Habitual Lying. The FDA also has called for follow up field testing using control groups of Democratic politicians, as one of the side effects of the drug is acute constipation.