Check Please!
A few years ago, I published an exhaustive multi-part article on Lynyrd Skynyrd and their iconoclastic singer and lyricist, the late Ronnie Van Zant.  The main thrust of the piece was that “Sweet Home Alabama” was not a racist song at all (the key is in the last verse, plus a line Ronnie throws away…
Reworked format and new entrants featured at this evening’s Republican debate Dateline: N.H., Feb.8, 2016 Hello everyone and welcome to the 37th presidential Republican debate sponsored by NotchTV, your source for all things frozen. I’m your moderator Wendell Wellsted, and in just three hours.
Turning 65 is daunting – a definite tunnel at the end of the light – but the more I think about it, the more I can identify the pluses (and not just plus sizes) that accompany this milestone. Here are a few. You get discounts...
Alec Baldwin and SNL come under fire Trump has begun to realize that his overuse of the term “fake news” whenever anything critical of him is written in the press is getting old and losing its credibility, even with his supporters. He has decided to take a completely different tack.
In related news: a black-eyed Susan is wanted for questioning in a domestic violet case.
  “I’m changing the main tenant of Buddhism from Harm None, to Harm One, which is still relatively pacifistic.” —Dalai Lama
Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to The news doesn’t need to be complicated and confusing; that’s what any new release from Microsoft is for. And, as in the case with anything from Microsoft, to keep the news from worrying our pretty little heads over, remember something new and equally indecipherable.
“I never owned Ronco, but if I did the C.E.O.’s brains would be in that jar.”                                                       —Donald Trump  
Good morning listeners nationwide. Is it a good morning? We'll soon find out!
Supposedly, the Chinese or the Arabs or the Scientologists or one of those ancient inscrutable cultures, has a saying that goes, “May you live in interesting times.” It is generally considered to be a curse.
The American Southwest—President Trump has ordered a review of over two dozen national monuments located all across the southwest. Many are calling the president’s attempt to rollback Obama-protected lands for the purpose of exploitation, despicable. President Trump told the press today to “Chillax, folks! There’s a lot of wood, water and minerals totally untapped out there in the dirt and, with new technologies, you…
Wouldn’t it be nice if marital life could be summarized as neatly as financial news? It’s always amused me that financial reporters write as if all economic behavior can be reduced to a haiku-length recitation of cause and effect.
There is certainly liberal amounts of blood in our political waters, but I’m afraid it’s not actually type-D. This Susan Rice “scandal” has Benghazi written all over it. Hey, at least they’re reading. No matter where this next batch of rightwing dimquires lead, our republican friends will likely be covering this Rice dish right up until the…
‘C’mon, those Flint people are just pussies – no pun intended. I like a city that doesn’t get sick from poison.’ In what was seen as an effort to divert attention from the latest Trump scandal, #PussyGate, the Republican nominee for president called the Flint water crisis a “hoax” at a campaign stop in Lansing...
Famous for his go-go lifestyle, few people know that an addiction to the game “Go” nearly derailed Keith Urban’s career. In a recent rant, much to the dismay of people around the world, Tony Abbott, the Australian Prime Minister, compared Kiwis to sperm: “Millions of them enter and only a couple of them actually work.”
What’s so “super” about Super Tuesday? It’s become painfully obvious that the term “Super Tuesday” was coined for the quantity of elections contested, not the quality of participants involved. Otherwise, we’d be forced to change the name to Kind of Okay Tuesday. Or Is It Really Necessary to be This Loud Tuesday.
“Does Sarah Palin have a family member out humping a sheep somewhere who can stand in?” —John Q. Republican

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