Check Please!
Every stand up comedian has his own unique microphone grip. I’ve collected a comprehensive list of ALL the grips that are out there. Which one fits you?
What academia needs is to throw in some pillow talk after. Time to relax, light a cigarette, and sort through things. Maybe towel off some. Promise to text each other later.
There needs to be crap on TV. If all of it were good, we wouldn’t appreciate most of it, or we’d overappreciate all of it.
After giving countless Louisiana voters likely the worst case of buyer’s remorse they’ll ever have, Gov. Bobby Jindal has set off on a tour of the state to polish the turd of a legacy he’s leaving behind.
They’re using the wage gap to “encourage more women and comedians of color to submit to and perform on the festival.”
Almost immediately after I shut my door, I heard the door on the other side fly open and slam shut. The unseen tech on the other side was very eager to steal my pee.
For the first time since 1956, April 1 is Easter Sunday. For the first time since last year and every other year, April 1 is April Fool's Day. If you think Easter is too important for anyone to care that it isn't only Easter, you are being naive.

I have heard my son and nephews talking, and I will be on guard.Who knows what they are going try?
An open letter asking Stan Kroenke to bring the St. Louis Rams back to their original home, which is not on the West Coast.
The new Lee High School is set to open this fall. However, despite a brand-new sign alerting passersby that the nearly finished building is “Lee High School,” several members of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and the community want to distance the school from its current eponym, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.
Postcards from the Pug Bus, the alt-right’s favorite satire site, is now an official sanctuary website. As long as bat-shit-crazy college professors inflict their political views on their students, as long as the homonazis try to destroy a small business owner’s livelihood for making a perfectly legal decision . . . the Pug Bus is their digital home on the web.
Inventors Gregory Hager and Nicolas Padoy discovered an artificial way to get robots and their operators to collaborate by changing their mode of interaction. This has to be the greatest collaboration since eggs met bacon. They called their apparatus the Human Machine Collaborative (HMC) system.
Many of the same people who relish in boasting about how awesome America is also claim that many seemingly highly beneficial goals are too hard to accomplish, even though these very objectives have already been accomplished by less awesome countries.
We all need to take a moment and thank the students of Mizzou for ushering in this important moment of change. By banding together against the oppressive media incursion and blocking other people’s First Amendment rights in favor of their own, I’m pretty sure that marked the end of this generation’s P.C. cycle.
Is it Donald Trump's wife, Melania, or adult film star Madison Ivy? How well can you distinguish between these two doppelgangers?
A fantastic but false story about dog-sitting helps identify different types of lies in comedy and answer the question of whether "truth" ultimately rules.
My wife and I have been together for over a decade, and people regularly comment on what a great couple we seem to be together. They then ask how we do it. It’s not one thing, but since this is a Top 12 list, I might just have space to share some advice to explain how we’ve kept it together and real for those of you looking to roll this Valentine’s Day into a successful franchise.
Baton Rouge’s most famous conservative American rapper, “Eazy” E. Eric Guirard, recently released yet another destined-to-become-a-classic music video and single, “Trouble, Time and Money.”
By definition, effective satire challenges power structures, be they political, social or cultural, in a way that is generally offensive (by design) to the subject being satirized. It's no surprise then that satire as a genre tends to come under attack when faced with conflicts/stress points that test the limits of a society.
One of my Facebook friends recently posted a yet seemingly simple, but ultimately complex question. “Can any of my genius friends explain to me what, “I didn’t MEAN to lie” means? I’m kinda lost”

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