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Washington, DC
Take a moment and think about this…Imagine the feeling back in the late fall of 2016 with the Obama era of Hope & Change ending in a tangling tumble of fraud, dishonesty, and overall contempt for true American values. Now, with the Democrat’s world of smoke and mirrors turned inside out and upside down, a chagrined President Obama has to pass the baton to Donald Trump, a person with no political experience.
We want YOUR opinion- preferred way to fly: American Airlines, United Airlines Or North Korean Missile?
Top Brexiteer switches sides following visitations from three ghosts with visions of Brexit past, present and future. Spectre of a far from Happy Brexmas with Santa being denied free movement to deliver presents, leads to cabinet minister embracing second referendum and 'No Brexit at All'.
Insisting that every nation in Europe must do its part to help with the refugee crisis, Pope Francis has agreed to admit into his Vatican residence one refugee, a 32-year-old Syrian bricklayer named Azzam Farza.
Hollywood, CA – (

According to Chrissy Teigen next time you’re in Los Angeles, you can spend about two hundred and fifty dollars to make yourself feel vibrantly invigorated plus, get some extra energy through a thorough vaginal steaming just like the Hollywood stars do…And that’s according to aging model Chrissy Teigen who’s been getting her ‘clam steamed’ regularly at a fashionable LA spa.
Scranton, PA – (
TV cameras turned away as Hillary had ‘another Hillary moment’ in front of almost 350 supporters in Scranton’s Municipal Arena. What was described as by several stunned supporters as ‘a stare into nothingness,’ the Democratic candidate stood frozen on the podium with her face locked in a far away stare toward the rear of the arena for almost 12 minutes before coming back and resuming her speech at exactly the point she left off on.
The KKK election official continued, "The Ku Klux Klan believes Donald Trump will make America great again, and the KKK strongly believes that greatness lasted from 1861 to 1865 when the South became the Confederate States of America to defend slavery."
A dog belonging to political consultant Roger Stone was arrested outside his Ft. Lauderdale home brandishing a 9mm handgun in front of a crowd of children. It's arraignment is scheduled for Tuesday.
LSU football fans who bought tickets to the canceled home opener against McNeese State University will be able to get refunds in Mike the Tiger’s habitat, according to Athletic Director Joe Alleva.
With the news that Universities are now accepting more new students than ever, even some of the slightly dim ones have a chance to be weighed down by a huge debt in exchange for a certificate they will likely never use.
Hajiland, Syria – (

The Pentagon released photos today of a top-secret raid against ISIS forces that was successful in spite of the President’s ‘no boots on the ground’ promise, The US Army raid helped win the release of over 150 ISIS sex slaves who were held against their will for over three months.
Increasingly frustrated with congress' inaction on his initiatives, President Trump ordered the National Guard to begin work on an eight-story cheeseburger.
Amanda Flerd, a 12 year old middle school student from Richmond, Virginia, recently gave a current events speech to her class, informing them of the latest political tensions in America while offering lucid analysis on its current state of affairs.
For years conspiracy theories have circulated that any drinker could easily drink as many pints of beer as they liked with no repercussions if it wasn’t for a mystical dodgy eighth pint that was loaded with evil intent. It is that pint that results in hangovers and stomach problems the next day.
TANGERANG CITY, Indonesia (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) - It's genetic. It's acquired. It's a punishment from God. It's the environment. We've heard so many theories before about what causes homosexuality, but none as jaw-dropping as this: instant noodles. The mayor of the city of Tangerang in Indonesia says that the rise in homosexuality in his country…
Celery juice, as Instagrammers know, is full of miraculous surprises. I, for one, was surprised at how many solids I had while on my month-long green juice fast.
A group of Donald Trump voters screwed up a vote on where to go for lunch yesterday, the second election in a row they have helped mess up over the past six months, coworkers at NextWave Industrial Blinds in Darby, Pennsylvania say.

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