Check Please!
"Try a bit of Elvis Presley next time, I used to scream at him when I was their age." Fred Flunkee, Hoola Hooper
"Behind every successful catching man is a good woman there to take the bottle of beer out of his hand before he does it. Yeee hargh!" Jessie Krufts, Red Neck
"I always sleep with my tongue out of my mouth. It scares the home help every time." Fred Flunkee, Good Ole Boy
"It's far too close to a hotdog, almost cannibalism." Kent Rugby, Catcher
"I don't get Samsung phone flavoured water, but I totally get cheesy feet flavoured water. Mmmmhhh...." Kent Rugby, Flavoured Water Executive
"The military uses for this are endless. Especially for crazy bald bad guys with cats." Jessie Krufts, James Bond Impersonator
"That should be an Olympic sport, done by people in jet packs obviously." Jimmy Popper, PE Teacher
"Shame the black guy with a similar YouTube channel was shot dead by the police for that though. It looks sooo much like a gun..." Jessie Krufts, Police Commissioner
"Yea, the bear hasn't quite got the thumbs up thing down yet huh?"
"I've trained my dogs to run when they hear violins playing too. Can't be too careful these days."
"I just want to slip on some spandex trunks and go dancing with my new doggie friend." Kent Rugby, Hunkist
"It's not Pick Of The POPs it's Pick Of The GOPS. Geddit?" Jessie Krufts, Local Radio DJ
"If they do an easier course for me on my mobility scooter count me in."
"But on the other hand, if little cute puppy there got a splinter in the underside doing that, that would be the howliest, gnarliest, sound you have ever heard. It would dissolve that smiley child's face into a red mass of water and sobby half spoken breaths. Even I would downclick that." Jessie Krufts, Incinerator Manager
"Yea! At last a dog relieving himself without the nasty emissions normally associated with that statement. Although I do hope somebody checks for what looks like a brown dead fish after he gets out." Jessie Krufts, Puppy Carer
"I said to one of the park attendants: 'Oh come on, a smile isn't going to kill you.' And so she eventually smiled and then clutches her chest and acted dead. That told me. Banksy 1 Jessie 0." Jessie Krufts, Cynic
"It makes a change from all those bear swipes cat to its death with paw videos."
"I hope they aren't expecting milk from these teats." Kent Rugby, Shirtless Dancer

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