Check Please!
Giving a middle finger to critics who have been saying for years that she’s been rendered virtually unrecognizable after successive cosmetic surgeries, “Bridget Jones” star Renee Zellweger has drastically changed her looks … again!
America has undergone enormous change during our lives. Today, America is a bitterly divided, poorly educated and morally fragile society with so-called mainstream politicians pushing cynical identity politics, socialism and wide open borders.

The president of the United States is threatened with impeachment because the other side doesn’t like him. The once reasonably unbiased American media media has evolved into a hysterical left wing mob. How could the stable and reasonably cohesive America of the 1950's have reached this point in just one lifetime? Who are the main culprits?
The mistake was spotted and corrected with Moonlight named the real winner of the award, but the error made this year’s Academy Awards the most talked about of all time.
WILLIAMSTOWN, Kentucky - Christians all over the world know the biblical story of Noah's Ark, built by a man who receivecd an apocalypatic warning from God about a massive flood. Today, in Williamstown, Kentucky, a 510-foot-long (155 metre-long) wooden model of the ark is attracting thousands of curious tourists who are treated to a unique…
Amazon denies allegations of involvement in the recent drone attack on Venezuela’s President Maduro. Conspiracy theorists claims that internet giant offering drone delivery of bombs for terrorists dismissed as 'ludicrous' and 'unfounded'. Existence of 'Amazon Crime' division denied.
Luke Cutler (30) has impressed friends and passers-by with his ability to deal with his wife’s meltdowns and nag sessions with all the grace and poise of a seasoned veteran.
The Ministry For Running About is a new ministry that aims to encourage people to get out on the streets and run more. Theresa May could think of no-one better to lead it than Stephen Hawking, despite the fact he is not an MP.
Albany, NY –
SatireWorld’s staff of writers has voted New York Governor Andrew Cuomo as it’s headliner…Douchebag-of-the-Week.
Yemen claims Obama tapped its one land line phone--wait--Pakistan, no, I think it was it China! (Too many damn foreign countries.) Sue 'em!
The man, Michael Rowland, 23, was seen playing the game on his mobile phone before jumping up in delight and running off the beach into the sea. Witnesses report him shouting ‘Gyarados, it’s a Gyarados!’ before he became submerged in the briny deep.
PORTLAND, OR — Frontrunner mayoral candidate Jessie Sponberg described himself as “basically like if Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders had a baby,” in a prepared speech he gave yesterday in front of the Mt. Tabor reservoirs.
Houston, TX – (

NASA Scientists released clarifying information, along with a hastily prepared Top Secret report, addressing the recent discovery of human remains spotted laying on the surface of the Earth’s moon.

The desiccated figure, reportedly dressed in what appears to be a cotton print house dress and apron, was discovered by the Hubble space telescope last March during a routine high resolution scan of the lunar surface.
CUPERTINO, California (The Adobo Chronicles, San Jose Bureau) - In its most recent quarterly report, Apple said it sold 231 million iPhones in the past 12 months. That's almost 20 million power month or 667,000 per day. Alas, in just the last 24 hours, iPhone sales dropped by almost 80 percent, mostly in the American market. Thanks to…
MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) - Arnell Ignacio. Jimmy Bondoc. Freddie Aguilar. Celebrities all.  And they're all appointees or potential appointees to top administration posts under President Rod Duterte. Now, yet another celebrity has been appointed to join the president's cabinet -- none other than reigning Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach. Duterte announced Wurtzbach's…
Hollywood,CA – (

Kim Kardiashian (a.k.a. Kim Kartrashian) was recently selected by a Hollywood celebrity panel as being the Least Talented Person in America. This was the sixth straight win for Kim, breaking the previous record set by Paris Hilton.
Indeed it was a tumultuous speech from Cruz, who noticeably declined to endorse Donald Trump as next President of America.
Musk claimed to have never tried heroin before but he took to it like a duck to water or a Scotsman to heroin.
Concord, NH – (

The duo behind Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is hoping to “take back Congress” by creating Democrat-inspired flavors.
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield are teaming up with social justice organization MoveOn to create a contest to support seven progressive candidates ahead of the midterm elections.
May, who personally packs a lunchbox for each of her cabinet members, left a personal message for her Foreign Secretary after the pair had yet another falling out over the details of Brexit.
The Smith family from Ipswich have beaten the world I-Spy record by 3 minutes while waiting in Dover to get through customs in France.

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