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Is Jeff Bezos' penis about to bring down Trump? Amazon boss calls Trump-supporting tabloid's bluff, daring them to publish illicitly obtained 'below the belt' photos of the billionaire. Does 'smoking wang' point toward President?
Fears that post-Brexit toilet paper shortages could lead to civil unrest. Government prepares plans for rationing (two sheets per dump) and martial law, while citizens explore potentially hazardous alternatives including newspaper and scouring pads.
House of Commons in chaos as Corbyn's 'Zombie Government' comment results in opposition MP firing shotgun at government benches, shouting 'shoot 'em in the head!' Rival parliamentary factions 'tool up' as Brexit debate turns violent!
Desperate Theresa May claims Brexit deal rejected by Parliament actually drawn up by ghost of Margaret Thatcher. Prime Minister allegedly possessed by spirit of predecessor determined to pursue her Euroceptic agenda from beyond the grave. Cynical attempt to avert blame for humiliating defeat or inspired attempt to rally right-wing support for deal by accediting it to conservative icon?
Public amazement as Home Secretary takes tough line on immigration by personally attacking rubber dinghy and hurling illegal occupants back into sea. New policy initiative or cynical political posturing as Sajid Javid positions himself as Tory tough guy in race to succeed Theresa May?
We look back at the year past - or would if we could remember any of it. From phantom drones to Brexit turmoil, 2018 is vaguely recalled, but any predictions for 2019 are roundly rejected.
Top Brexiteer switches sides following visitations from three ghosts with visions of Brexit past, present and future. Spectre of a far from Happy Brexmas with Santa being denied free movement to deliver presents, leads to cabinet minister embracing second referendum and 'No Brexit at All'.
Santa's secret sweat shop exposed! While elves toil in slave conditions on factory floor, Santa lives life of decadence in penthouse, enjoying sex and drug parties!
Meet the 'Brexit Preppers' as they prepare their 'Brexit Bunkers' for the chaos they believe will follow a 'No Deal' Brexit. Top 'Prepper' tells of how tinned food, medicines, even illegal drugs, European porn and prostitutes are being hoarded in preparation for Brexit. Reveals that he is prepared to defend his bunker by force, if necessary.
Government proposes replacing 'Black Friday' with 'Black Face Friday', where you can only 'bag a bargain' if your face is covered in boot polish . Supporters believe 'Black Face Friday' would better address British traditions of intolerance, bigotry and casual racism than US import 'Black Friday'.
The film posits a future where the peace movement has become ascendant across the world, not as a result of rational argument or peaceful protest, but rather by force. Frustrated by the resistance to their creed, have decided to force their whole ideal onto people, deploying psychedelically painted tanks against pro war protesters...
Is giant asteroid alien spaceship or alien excrement? Top astro-plumber claims Oumuamua is actually huge extraterrestrial turd excreted by gigantic aliens. Demands earth authorities take immediate action to address risk of planet being devastated by alien steamer strikes.
Apparently these days people need to be warned that the past was different from the present. The TV schedules are full of shows with the premise of: 'Wasn't TV horrible in the past?' They are full of micro celebrity millennial types looking aghast at the terrible racism and sexism on display in the carefully chosen clips of seventies TV programmes they've just been shown...
Local council broadcasts mating calls of infamous monsters in hope of attracting them to town. Plans to cash in on international reconstruction funds when town destroyed by rampaging sex mad giant creatures.
Can gender fluidity exist beyond the grave? Can spirits 'cross over' after they cross over? Man sues local medium after dead mother's spirit manifests itself – but in male form.
Was company behind UK body parts scandal planning to set up online 'body shopping' site? Extraordinary claims that target 'body shoppers' would have included mad scientists, necrophiliacs and shady clinics catering to the ultra rich.
Are feminist extremists out to demonise all single men as potential rapists? Tory politician makes extraordinary claim that men being forced to go gay or transgender in order to avoid anti-male persecution. Alleges that militant feminists plotting to have men treated like terror suspects.
City of Salisbury seeks to exploit novichok attacks to rebuild local economy. Local entrepreneurs set up 'Novichok Tours' and fake nerve agent attack experiences for tourists. New 'Novichok' perfume planned.
What is Drill Rap? Is it a new power tool based youth craze, or a sinister military parade inspired dance movement? UK media commentators ridiculed for ignorance of musical genre they are blaming for current wave of London youth violence.
London man claims he was assaulted by Hitler's ghost following his steamy affair with the spirit of Eva Braun. Charged with affray following ferocious battle in High Street with phantom Fuhrer.