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The Nil Admirari is a Journalist from New England
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SARANGANI, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) - Facing mounting criticism and loss of product endorsement revenue from companies like Nike, Filipino boxing champion today announced that he was suspending his campaign to become senator. Earlier this week, Pacquiao received tremendous flak because of his comments comparing gay men and lesbians to (worse than) animals.  He…
CHAPPAQUA, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - Just days after Nike severed its relationship with Filipino champion boxer Manny Pacquiao for his disparaging comments comparing gay men and lesbians to (worse than) animals, former President Bill Clinton has distanced himself from the Filipino congressman who is running for a Senate seat. The two are known…
CEBU CITY, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) - In the Philippines, you are either pro-Manny Pacquiao or anti-Manny Pacquiao, and the conflict has turned to shoes. Since Nike announced that it was severing its ties with the Filipino champion boxer after his disparaging comments comparing gay men and women to (worse than) animals, Pacquiao…
Amid the controversy surrounding the killing of 'Cecil' the lion, the focus has now switched from a US poacher with a dental license, to 'some naked dude' without hunting license. Zimbabwean officials have accused a Mr. Herecles of using his gnarled club to kill both a lion and a hydra - all while having his 'junk on display'.
The GOP is a political party like Spinal Tap is a rock band. Hey, and now their crazies really do go to 11. But how about that feisty Fiorina performance, eh? I have to give her some credit but, amidst that Reagan love-fest, frankly anyone could have done that to her hair. But was that supposed to be a debate? Frodo got…
Staffers say that Hillary Clinton has not been the same since a discussion with “Miss Cleo.” WASHINGTON — Earlier today, a senior campaign staffer close to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton confirmed a popular psychic from the late 1990s named “Miss Cleo” had warned Mrs. Clinton of a “horrible Berning in 2016.”