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St. Louis, MO – (

The Anheuser-Busch corporation notified stockholders that a recent analysis of some Budweiser products showed a high percentage of horse meat in the company’s mascot and world-famous team of Clydesdales.
Las Cruces- (
Kate Upton just might go to a New Year’s Eve event with a Local Las Cruces man just because he asked nicely in a video he made with several of his friends and with the help of his lawn man Carlos.
It's that time of year once again and it wouldn't be the same without Christmas music sung by a famous person!
This year Satire World brings the season alive with family favorites from the Middle East....The birth place of the Holiest season.
Twelve tunes to stir the soul sung by the rich baritone voice of none other than Yassar Arafat himself!
Just two payments of $19.95 plus..........There's more!
When you care enough to send the very best to those you unmercifully rub out… Courtesy of the Clinton Machine
Blountstown, Florida
Earlier wire reports from the AP that boy scout Billy McIntyre had unearthed a 5 lb gold nugget from the base of a rotting cypress tree trunk are now opening a new line of questioning into the massive gold find in this northern panhandle town.
( Walter Bucket Presents True Facts
1. Although General Patton’s last words were reportedly, “This is a hell of a way to die”, a family member close to the bed asked “What do you see, General?” as he passed away, he whispered “Assholes & Elbows… Assholes & Elbows!”
Maryland’s Democratic controlled legislature seems to ignore the state’s real long term economic problems that have difficult solutions. They then create problems and feel good solutions that divert people’s attention, but are then ignored.
Distracted driving seems to have legislators filing bills about driving and texting (not a good idea), driving while using a cell phone, driving and drinking coffee, and possibly driving and scratching their butts. A new law enables Maryland police officers to stop an automobile for distracted driving as a primary offense.
Portsmouth, UK – (
For the second year in a row, Viral Magazine has voted a UK online publication Cafe Spike ‘the worst piece of trash since the ‘Lady Godiva Chronicles’ a similar online magazine from Canada which won the ‘Most Bizarre’ prize in 2010.
“Sadly, from the very first peek you know it’s a pure rubbish writing. The reader’s first look at the website gives the impression of technology done-on-the-cheap giving the site a year 2000 retro look."
Peoria, IL – (

The latest people to write the Emily Post, Amy Vanderbilt, Ann Landers, Dear Abby, and Hints from Heloise column have all joined together to create a guide for etiquette in the 21st century.

Several clones of Michael Jackson, made a few years before his death, have been discovered in a Catholic Monastery in the New Mexico mountainous desert. The young boys, all aged between three and six years old, are being raised happily by the priests.

Hyannisport, MA-(

Workers at the Oldsmobile Memorial Cemetery in Hyannisport Massachusetts were busy today placing 30 ton concrete blocks upon the grave site of one of the Democratic party’s most revered Senators…Senator Ted Kennedy!
Beijing, China – (

Life in the Chinese gay closet was lonely for Choi Lee. No friends. No one to talk to about your problem. Just you and yourself shuttered away from life and reality, afraid the authorities will discover your secret and take you away somewhere that’s really secret too.
Austin, TX – (
Dog lovers packed council chambers Tuesday night after a notice went out to residents concerning the popular local Dog Park.
Raleigh NC – (
The Department of Justice (DOJ) headed by Attorney General (AG) Loretta Lynch gave North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory a short time to scrap this state’s new “bathroom bill” (gender matches your plumbing). Instead, he’s filing a lawsuit against the federal government. Then President Obama weighed in with his non-binding, federal funding, blackmail “Bathroom Decree” to all the nations public schools!
New York, NY – (
HBO’s liberal loudmouth has placed himself once again on the front lines of controversy after mimicking conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh in a denunciation of womanhood…Only this time Maher called his own mother a slut on national TV!

Ever wonder why a prosperous state like California is always so broke they cut back on just about every service, while Texas seems to just keep on doing the right thing.
It’s all related to the Coyote Principle
Walter Bucket Presents True Facts
1. TRUE: A little smidgen of Viagra in your child’s milk and cereal will help cause them to walk with a straight back and develop better posture!
Washington DC – (
Former Secretary of State (SOS) Hillary Clinton’s classified TOP SECRET emails sent/received from an illegal, unsecured email server in the basement of her home in Chappaqua NY have been in the news since 2014 (within President Obama’s second term)!
Glider Falls, Iowa – (

A dog has blasted a man with a shotgun during a pheasant hunt in what has been described as a ‘freak accident’ during a pheasant hunt.
Vatican City, Rome – (
The College of Cardinals in Vatican City announced the first Black Pope of the Catholic Church. There was speculation that they might break from tradition and choose a black Cardinal, but the black Cardinal that they chose surprised everyone. Larry Fitzgerald, wide receiver and all pro with the Arizona Cardinals, was chosen to be the guy to ride around in the Popemobile and wear a dress for the rest of his life.