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Speaking in front of the United Nations on Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump doubled down on his vow to “totally destroy” North America -- unveiling the following 10-point plan to devastate the country he was sort of elected to lead.
#5 Slain by a disgruntled former Trump University Ph.D. candidate.
#16 Hospitalized with a rare combination of electile dysfunction, cognitive gangrene and unmitigated gallstones. Sad.
Mr. Billy Buck Teefus, the American Redneck Savant, shares his unique insights about President Trump during the April 15, 2017, Tax Day protest in Portsmouth, NH.
The Patriots are going to win the Super Bowl, right? After all, they’ve been America’s top team throughout the 21st century. They’ve got the best coach, the best quarterback — plus they’ve got the Trump factor.
Tom Brady, Bill Belichick and Bob Kraft are all aboard the Trump bandwagon. Bigly.
Following a historic mudslide victory that promises to pave the way for future con men, pathological liars and alleged sexual predators to ascend to the most powerful office on Planet Earth, America today inaugurated the first fake president in the nation’s 250-year history — President @RealDonaldTrump.
Considering Donald Trump’s pathetic “All talk, no action” tweets about civil rights hero Rep. John Lewis — who was severely beaten by police in Selma, Alabama, in 1965 while protesting for the right to vote — what would Trump have tweeted about the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King?
Expanding upon his recent observation that “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters,” likely GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump added today that if the people he shot were Muslims and Mexicans, he would probably even gain voters.