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My Husband Les Moonvez Gave Us Young Sheldon, And That's Good Enough for Me!
By: Julie Chen

A lot of bad things have been said about my husband Les Moonvez in the press lately. That he's a sexual predator. That he's a creep. That he exploited his position as Chairman and CEO of CBS to coerce women to submit to his crude sexual advances.

But you know what else Les Moonvez did? He gave us Young Sheldon.

I mean, come on. So Les lured some women into his office under false pretenses only to wind up exposing himself somehow or forcing his erect penis into their mouths. Big deal. Have you seen Young Sheldon? It's really fantastic. These women should be only so grateful to perform forced fellatio on my husband.

Seriously though, Sheldon is one of those shows destined to define a generation. The 80s had The Cosby Show, the 90s had Darma and Greg, the aughts had The Wire, and the whatever-you-callems have Young Sheldon. Take the episode where Sheldon develops an eating disorder after choking on a sausage (did my hubby write these things too?;) only to resolve his newfound fear of solid foods when he accepts Tam's offer of a stick of licorice, for instance. Sheer genius. Or the one where a vengeful Meemaw refuses to share her pot roast recipe with George until Sheldon threatens to recite said recipe from a memory he had of Meemaw telling it to him when he was just 23 months-old if they didn't make up.

Just. Wow.

Honestly, I'd service Les myself if he'd let me anymore, but he can tell my fear isn't real. Like recognizing the next Rules of Engagement, Les Moonvez can discern the glint of genuine terror in a woman's eye.

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