Debate Commission Announces New Format For Final U.S. Presidential Debate

img_6229LAS VEGAS,  Nevada (The Adobo Chronicles, Las Vegas Bureau) – The non-profit Commission on Presidential Debates just announced a new format for the third and final debate between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump.

The commission has finally acknowledged that time limits given to candidates to answer questions or rebutt answers of their opponents has never worked, with candidates talking over moderators and one another.

The new format will mimic what the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences does during Oscar awards night, where the end of the allotted time for acceptance speeches by winners is signaled by music which would eventually drown the speakers.

The commission believes this will make the job of the debate moderator much easier and will make  room for more questions and answers.

The music that has been selected by the commission is “Don’t Stop” by  Fleetwood Mac.

Hmmm, wasn’t that the campaign theme song of then candidate Bill Clinton?



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