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Villanova Throws Ball Through Hoop Most, Wins Big Championship Match

Villanova won the big college basketball tournament last night after throwing the ball through the hoop the most.

Their second championship in history, the Wildcats threw the ball through the basket 28 times, which is generally considered a lot.

"We played a great game tonight," Villanova's coach Jay Wright said before going on to say some more things about the big game.

The 28 times Villanova got the ball through the hoop was one more time than the North Carolina Tarheels, who had a hard time because the Wildcats kept blocking their throws and trying to take the ball away from them.

According to the stats, North Carolina only got the ball into the basket 43% of the time they tried to throw it, which isn't very good.

"We played some really good defense out there," Coach Wright said.

The Villanova fans seem truly excited over their team winning the big game.

"Yay! We won!" one Wildcat supporter cheered. "Alright!"

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