Check Please!
The once very popular television series, Crime Scene Investigation, which aired from 2000 to 2015, has recently announced that it will finally be able to properly reward viewers for their years and years of investment in the field of Forensic Science.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - The Washington Post is reporting that the Trump administration has banned officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from using these seven words in budget documents  evidence-based science-based vulnerable entitlement diversity transgender fetus So, before Trump permanently says “You’re fired!” to these seven words, The Adobo Chronicles would…
Officials at the Environmental Protection Agency, the agency tasked with protecting human health and the environment, are now under order by the Trump administration to stop using words including "health" and "environment" in official documents and other communications.
Miami Beach, Florida – (
Coast Guard officials at the South Beach CGS were swamped with calls from beach goers advising Coast Guard officials they found a dead shark on the beach with what appears to be Osama Bin Laden’s head inside.
Kabul, Afghanistan-(

A gay activist group from San Francisco’s Mission District organized a recent ‘Kiss-in’ and ‘Gay Pride Parade in downtown Kabul to protest the repeated efforts by the Taliban to ban homosexuality.

Over 7,503 brave, gay activists boarded buses, jeeps, and trucks and drove the 350 miles from the Pakistan town of Ceanzi to the Afghan capitol city of Kabul.
A local man preoccupied over which Netflix series to watch next sustained burns to his retinas while staring straight into the sun.
Washington, DC – (

The Obama Administration had requested that the Department of Education to add the “R” word to the list of banned words or phrases that will not be taught in schools. They are also seeking to have the word removed from all media and to have it automatically replaced with a series of punctuation symbols when used on the internet.
Chicago, IL – (

A Chicago man has broken the world record for the number of years spent without bathing. Friends say he’s spent the last 60 years without taking a bath. After learning of the story, the Chicago Tribune recently published pictures of the 80 year old man who has lived in the Chicago south side his whole life.
Washington DC – (
A computer bug may be in the frame behind the sudden, unexplained firing of Omarosa Manigault Newman, defunct White House Office of Public Liaison communications director, according to latest SatireWorld reports.
Reading can be fun, but for this local book club, realizing they were just there for the wine has really cut out a lot of the unnecessary talking.
Thanks for reading some of the recent social media and IT articles we’ve posted recently. Some of you will be aware that the Medium journal “IT Emperor” (why haven’t you joined Medium yet?), which is edited by One Tongue Johnny, is being phased out; and almost all the content is being placed on Glossy News, […]The post The End of IT Emperor, and a Turbo-Boost for Glossy News appeared first on
Hey Santa, could you spend a little time with me this year after coming down the chimney? You know, discuss Bitcoin valuations and eat some cookies.
British universities could soon be offering students the opportunity to take and pass a degree in their lunchbreak, no longer having to give up their current employment. And for those that can not pay the full the fees, they will have the option of settling the bill by washing up the dishes.
In this case levity is the mother of invention. Let’s give it shot with today’s important Fox headlines: Sanders: ‘Your mind is in the gutter’ if you think Trump’s tweet at Gillibrand was sexual! Fleischer: Media ‘letting down its professional guard’ because they don’t like Trump! Judge Pirro: I’m tired of the Clintons, powerful people…
In shocking news, a proven pedophile nearly got elected Senator in the United States of America. In the biggest story since the Virginia and New Jersey elections, a stunning event happened in a southern American state.
St. Louis, MO – (

The Anheuser-Busch corporation notified stockholders that a recent analysis of some Budweiser products showed a high percentage of horse meat in the company’s mascot and world-famous team of Clydesdales.
Las Cruces- (
Kate Upton just might go to a New Year’s Eve event with a Local Las Cruces man just because he asked nicely in a video he made with several of his friends and with the help of his lawn man Carlos.
Local resident and accountant, Barry Bishop, has been accused this week of lying about his severe gluten allergy. The incident took place at his neighbor’s Sunday night football party, where Barry was seen consuming large amounts of Bud Light and pepperoni pizza.
LaVar Ball, first of his glorious name, has borne a “heavy burden” for far too long, and may the Balls grant him the strength to carry it.
Does someone have a divine right to follow me? Do I have enemies? If I do have enemies, what is more important? My safety, or my (perfectly honorable and reasonable) desire not to mistakenly exclude a legitimate follower from my Twitter feed? Does something look suspicious about this account? If it does look suspicious, and […]The post Fake Followers on Twitter: Qs to Ask Yourself if You’re Shy of Hitting the Block Button appeared first on

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