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In a surprise news conference, God announced plans to shift his climate policy for Texas and Oklahoma from crippling drought to Noah-style flooding.
SAN FRANCISCO, California (The Adobo Chronicles) - It was supposed to happen at 4 p.m. Pacific time on Thursday, May 28: an 8.8 magnitude earthquake in California, brought about by the alignment of the planets. The prediction came from Dutch Frank Hoogerbeets, the same man who predicted the recent devastating quake in Nepal. By 3:59 p.m,…
Canton, OH – These days Mitt Romney is more interested in charity boxing matches for mysterious charities than his own political gains but that doesn’t mean that politics are completely out of his blood.  While visiting some Lehman Middle School students this past Wednesday, the often described uptight and robotic former presidential candidate tooted a loud gas explosion for the soon to be eligible voters.
The possiblity looms that the US Supreme Court will abolish the death penalty-Texas does not like it!
A year-long probe into the murky world of youth soccer has led to the arrest of more than a dozen hyper-involved moms.
"The cat seems to be meowing in English. Hilarious. I bet they can't understand a word it's saying."
DORAL, Florida (The Adobo Chronicles) -The True Invisible Empire Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan describes itself as an Order of the Highest Class for White Christian Men of Intelligence and Character. It is one of many current unnconnected groups that use the KKK name. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "the Klan",…
A Baton Rouge resident is leading a one-man crusade to dampen threads of overwhelmingly positive comments with a single word that strikes the perfect balance between dickishness and disinterest.
If we want to improve this place we call home, simply quit talking about Bobby Jindal.
Canapes, some including shrimp and rolled up salmon, could be the long looked for link to finding the end of cancer, researchers at a party told our reporter last night.
New York – It was obvious to one man riding the number 3 train from Brooklyn to Manhattan.  He snapped a photo and could not believe his eyes.  Could that really be Jesus riding the subway in plain sight of all of the other commuters?
James and Knick talk of robots (both the transforming battling kind and the regular battling kind), Japanophilia, travel, and the mysteries of the candy aisle.
When a member of Congress is implicated in a sex scandal, he most often resigns. And of those who don't resign, almost all of their careers are irreparably ruined. Almost all of them.
It's almost as if Jindalbot has been reprogrammed to say the stupidest things a sitting governor — yes, even one from Louisiana — can say.
Cambridge, MA – Having sex just got more expensive. Dynapork Corporation of Cambridge has been granted a patent on the process of "biological reproduction," and plans to charge licensing fees for any human wishing to engage in a "sexual act that may result in reproduction."
ATLANTA, Georgia (The Adobo Chronicles) - CNN, the first and most respected 24-hour cable news network, launched on June 1, 1980. On that day, 35 years later, the network will look back at the biggest stories in the network’s history. Here are the highlights of those amazing 35 years: Don Lemon, telling black people they shouldn't wear…
Are Eastern European Immigrants Vampires and Werewolves Literally Draining UK's Lifeblood? Extraordinary UKIP Claims on Eve of General Election!
Former Ebola Czar Ron Klain, chosen by the Obama administration to lead efforts against the disease, has returned to the nation’s capital and is demanding his restoration.
Rick Santorum has launched a presidential exploratory committee that will attempt to discover a way to travel back in time to the year 1947.

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