Check Please!
Satire World’s anti-gun photo-of-the-day just for those George Seros inspired snowflakes so emotionally offended by law abiding firearm owners having personal firearms .
Legitimate sporting challenge or misogynistic titillation? TV executive defends ‘Extreme Breast Feeding’, a newly televised ‘extreme sport’ against charges of sexism and objectification of women.
Pawleys Island, SC from the Archives of 2011
Part 1 of 2
After a long battle involving overwhelming odds, my 8 year old vacuum cleaner finally succumbed to clogged arteries, dust allergies, a slipped clutch, and two worn out fan belts, all blamed on inattention to detail, lack of service and indifference on the part of its handler.
We salute state Sen. Elbert Guillory, candidate for Louisiana lieutenant governor. Within only a few years of leaving the Democratic Party to become a Republican, Guillory is now the official utterer of racial slurs for the entire Louisiana GOP.
‘The best way to ensure the safety of the most precious gift of new life is to provide access to adequate protection from an early age,’ said the Vice President of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre, at an emergency meeting yesterday.
Discarding the possibility that war, job loss, income inequality, or ballooning deficits could be the biggest threat facing the US, Congress selected Mark Zuckerberg as the main cause of the nation's struggles.
Titled, "Making English the Official Language of the World", the order would effectively ban the use of any other language across the globe.
"Ten out of ten for purr-severance. Geddit?" Jimmy Popper, Puns Correspondent, CNN
"Unlike some places, Dunkin' Donuts welcomes all races through its doors without prejudice or discrimination," Dunkin' Donuts Spokesman Riley Lahler remarked. "Black, White, Mexican, Oriental, everybody is family at Dunkin'."
Trading Alaska and Hawaii for the Gulag? Bannon seems to like the concept. Or is he simply Chief Ass Kisser in Residence?
She wanted to get a little bit back in shape but lacked the motivation until she read about an out of this world weight-loss program, Orbit Fitness!!
After a sleepless night of overwhelming anxiety, Americans staggered from their beds and into the teeth of another relentless assault of breaking news.
CUPERTINO, CA (The Barbed Wire) - Feeling pressured to hold a September event like they always do, but out of new ideas, Apple's CEO Tim Cook promised those in attendance at today's product update meeting that the company would come up with something cool at some far-off date in the future.
Not once have they mentioned passing through the Heaven above earth. Why must they lie to us?
NY,NY – (

Parkland survivor and rabid gun control activist skin-headed Emma González lectured gun owners Thursday at an education forum. Gonzalez is known nationally as being a ‘bald-headed mean spirited dyke look-alike with an unusually foul demeanor on camera.’
Top army officials have been forced to admit that they’re uncertain whether recruitment levels are down or if camouflage is just getting better, according to latest reports.
The White House (

President Bill Clinton served in office from 1992 through 2000. During that time Oval Office Sex was a prime concern of the American people as rumors swirled and innuendo became dreaded reality…The President of the United States was indeed having illicit sex in the Oval Office with an employed intern half his age! The resulting scandal was referred to as simply ‘Zippergate.’
After 15 years of experimentation, producers of the reality show "The Bachelorette" realized selecting a husband by chance worked just as well as a 15-week dating show.
London, UK – (
“Bollocks to global warming is now official UK government policy,” a spokesperson at the newly-created Ministry for Big Oil Relations said today as new British Prime Minister Theresa May wielded the ax to the Tories’ long term flagshit shop window, the Department for the Environment and Climate Change.
Washington DC – (

Psycho-surgeons at the Russia Investigation say a succubus – or female sex demon – may have sucked out the President’s brain and laid an egg in the flaccid cavity. So expect more crazy hatch-lings to soon pop out.

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