Check Please!
"I am not wearing a Nazi uniform," Pence responded to a reporter who asked why he was wearing a Nazi uniform, referring to the dark Wehrmacht uniform adorned with Nazi epaulettes and medallions that he had on.
ROWAN COUNTY, KY (The Adobo Chronicles® ) - After The Vatican's official clarification that Pope Francis' meeting with Kim Davis was not a "private audience" as the Rowan County clerk claimed, Liberty Counsel (Davis' attorneys) went on a damage-control mode. Following documented media reports that the only private audience the Pope gave was with his long-time Argentinian…
PORTLAND, OR — In yet another sign of just how very close Trump's America is to descending into an oppressive Christian theocracy, video has surfaced from Wednesday afternoon of Portland Police attempting to literally wrestle a woman from the driver's seat of her vehicle.
The model turned actress had been accused of animal cruelty by several groups for the harsh working conditions she forced on her eyebrows, two ermine caterpillars she found during a walk in the woods.
“The quantity of wood I chuck is my own damn business,” snorted Dubois. “This is racism pure and simple. Nobody’s asking Obama how many goddamned pieces of wood he chucked, or whether he could chuck them in the first place.”
Who really wants to go running when you could be drinking gravy from a mug?
The NRA has decided to focus on health and fitness this week when a study showed that 75% of men who carry guns regularly are not physically fit enough to be of any use during an active shooter situation.
The National Rifle Association has determined that their members should now carry around an extra set of underwear...
A majority of registered Democrats who have an unfavorable view of Donald Trump would actually support the controversial Republican frontrunner in a general election if he simply changed his campaign slogan to something less brash.
To correct that übersehen we celebrate National Ask Nietzsche Day. Instead of asking yourself what Jesus would do, say, when his girlfriend starts yelling out for god during sex, we suggest you ask Nietzsche instead. He is, after all, a savvy advice columnist.
From Our Foreign Correspondent: England's rugby team was beaten to a pulp by foreigners coming in to the country and this must stop if England is ever going to win a World Cup again, claims Theresa May in a speech to the Conservative conference this week.
Boston, MA – (

Researchers at the prestigious Harvard School of Media Affairs published a jaw-dropping study showing proof-positive results on what makes a person’s mind think in liberal political terms and the influence of ‘Fake News’ from sources like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Time Magazine, and of course, the Wall Street Journal .
FORT SCOTT, KANSAS — Drake LaRoche was told by his middle school principal today that he will be expelled from school if…
Explaining that Jesus is too valuable a property to enter the heart of "every loser with his putz in a wringer," the Lord God Almighty warned that Jesus would be entering fewer hearts this year; and he would not be doing back-to-backs, i.e., entering two hearts in consecutive minutes.
According to the Academic Scientists Society of America, there are ten scientifically proven ways to tell if you are a big fat dummy.
Blogger Donald “Scallop” Johnston has recommended that readers make sure to keep checking back daily for his takes on the best healthy alternatives to traditional wisdom when it comes to food, general health and exercise.
"Screw the pooch" is a gateway expression that leads to other, more disgusting, expressions like "doggy style," "shoot the puppy," or "dead dog bounce."
Whatever her name is, she’s the only person under 30 out there who gets it. Everything she says is spot-on. Plus, she’s easy on the eyes.
National Poisoned Cha-Cha Day, when the war between the sexes took a turn for the grim after a woman in Sao de Jose Rio Preto, Brazil, had tried to kill her husband by putting a poisonous substance in her vagina and then asking him if he fancied a box lunch.

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