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Democratic Party spies have been infiltrating Republican closed-door donor events and secret strategy meetings.

Washington, DC
Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) is proposing “The Dog Ate My Tax Receipts Act”. After the IRS gave unbelievable excuses as to why it could not produce emails that were lost by the Obama IRS namely Lois Lerner and six other people. Stockman is proposing that we all should be able to avail ourselves of similarly lame excuses that reap the same benefits the Obama appointees enjoyed.
Time to update that old elephant icon and bring new ideas to the GOP. What better protection can a politician have than "rubbers." Donald will certainly need protection--very soon.
The study was conducted with a group of eighty-seven volunteers over the course of ten years, using a range of people. The group ranged from those who kept up-to-date with reputable news sources multiple times a day, all the way down to those who just read The Sun. A strong correlation was observed between the amount of hard news a person consumed and how happy they are.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - Donald Trump has called CNN "fake news." He accused the news media of lying about the number of people who attended his inauguration.  He even has a few things to say about The Adobo Chronicles. Trump used the platform he knows best -- Twitter -- to fire away his…
Omar Mateen, the man who carried out an ISIS-inspired attack in a gay bar in Orlando last weekend, is reportedly suffering from “intense disappointment” in the afterlife upon finding no young men among his allocated 72 virgins.
Scientists looking for alien life on other planets have been looking in the wrong place, according to an independent telescope owner and his mates.
Hoping to capitalize on Vladimir Putin's decisive electoral victory, President Trump says Republicans can build on that momentum in 2018 US Midterms.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer used the majority of his daily briefing today to discuss findings that, once all are confirmed, Donald Trump's cabinet will have the largest penis size of any cabinet ever assembled in US history.
Was the Salisbury nerve agent attack which has left a former Russian spy and his daughter fighting for their lives actually a ‘false flag’ attack organised by the local council in an attempt to create publicity for the city? Council insider makes incredible claims as Boris Johnson prepares to penalise Russia for attack by mooning their London embassy.
The American press should be quiet, fellate Steve Bannon, and prepare him a tasty sandwich, President Donald Trump’s chief strategist told The New York Times in an interview via telephone Wednesday.
Camp David, MD – (
Feeling the heat from pro-hunting and gun ownership groups the President has arranged for a publicized skeet shoot where he will attempt to shoot an apple off the head of his most trusted supporter, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz while using his own personal Benelli 12 gauge shotgun using number 6 shot. According to press secretary Josh Earnest, “This will prove once and for all that the President loves guns and hates Jews!”
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - For more than 24 hours, Democrats led by Representative John Lewis (D-Georgia), staged a sit-in on the floor of Congress to demand action on sensible gun legislation.  The protest follows the recent shooting at an Orlando gay bar, killing 49 people and injuring scores of others. House Democrats…
BALESIN ISLAND, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) -  First it was Boracay Island that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte ordered closed for rehabilitation.  Now it’s Balesin Island. The closure order came just hours after yet another Filipino celebrity wedding was held on the island — that of television host Billy Crawford and model/actress Coleen Garcia. For…
Jimmy Pollsters, of Pollsters, Pollsters And Pollsters (Great Britain), who predicted a comfortable win for pollsters in the latest referendum, was unavailable for comment last night 'whilst his latest cheque was being cleared', his assistant told this newspaper.
London’s Natural History Museum has been forced to rethink the entry requirements for its Wildlife Photographer of the Year awards as, once again, a prizewinning entry has been disqualified.
New York – Although many have scoffed at the notion that a travel ban will keep infidels out of the United States, Donald Trump has once again proven to be on target.  And his camp is livid.  After a federal judge in Seattle put a temporary stay on the ban, it has allowed for the dangerous King Nefarious to enter our country right in the heart of New York City.  He landed at JFK airport this morning and security watched him walk straight out into the masses.  There was nothing they could do about it.
Republican senator Dalton Holms has long defended his stance that homosexuality is a choice but now...
Emora, NM – (

Key leaders in the Democratic Party are calling for the ban of Romaine Lettuce (now called assault lettuce). According to figures from the CDC (Center for Disease Control), there have now been more than 150 reported cases of food borne illness reported in over 30 states due to Assault Lettuce. There have already been deaths.

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