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"These polls are 100% accurate, and have no margin of error. Donald Trump is in commanding lead in race for American puppe... president," reported Sergei Propovski, spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Truth.
‘The new kit allows the players to show the fans how much they care. Nothing says pride, passion and belief more than a crotchless lion costume.’
One year ago, people were hopefully optimistic that 2022 couldn't possibly be as bad as the consecutive raging dumpster fires that preceded it, but boy were they wrong. Russia invaded Ukraine, an inflation crisis tanked economies around the world, Roe vs. Wade was overturned, and, tragically, these 10 people continue to not be dead:
Hollywood,CA – (
Network executives leaked to the press today the schedule for the upcoming reality series “Who Wants To Be a Hilton?” The show will star the mother of the famous Hilton sisters and will try to turn a group of middle, lower, and classless people into upper caste classless socialites without morals (or many clothes, for that matter).
The charismatic candidate has appeared from nowhere with his promises to make America even worse, a slogan in stark contrast with Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again!’
AUSTIN (The Barbed Wire) - Donald Trump is feeling great these days after sweeping victories in five northeast states, and creeping closer to the magic number of 1237 delegates that are needed to secure the Republican nomination. However, Republican National Chair Reince Priebus says, "Not so fast."
Pro LGBTQ newspaper column by Jeremy Clarkson prompts revelation that right-wing press using Artificial Intelligence to produce its bile-filled and reactionary columns and opinion pieces. Fears that AI has become self-aware and is 'woke', deliberately subverting Tory tabloids hate-filled messaging. Others claim AI hacked by 'Wokerati'.
Trump credits "big brain," "hugely big hands" for solving America's opioid epidemic.
With Donald Trump set to be handed the nuclear launch codes in the next few months, humanity should treat the coming cold of winter as a test-run for the nuclear winter that is sure to hit after Putin and Trump have their first lovers’ tiff.
The shockingly lurid video was leaked to the press months ago, but only now have we been able to reveal the details.
As the heat dome sitting over the American Southwest continues to broil the region, rising humidity levels throughout Texas has introduced another issue for its suffering residents: the Lone Star State smells like balls.
Donald Trump, the president-elect, has told CBS in his first interview that the new wall with Mexico could be 'part gaps'. parody
What is the truth behind Tory MP's desperate late night call to local party treasurer pleading for money? Was he being held against his will in a sex dungeon over an unpaid bill for whippings? Or was he held for ransom by irate rent-boys furious at his encroachment onto their territory? Or was it all an elaborate scheme to embezzle party funds?
Former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair Donna Brazile has released excepts from her forthcoming book entitled “Hacks.” Donna exposed the sins of Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party hierarchy during the 2016 Presidential election cycle.
In what is being seen as a promising start for Trump Presidency, Abe said that he was ‘confident in Mr Trump’s ability to lead America’ after leaving their meeting almost completely unoffended.
INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - It was a strategic plan to ensure that Hillary Clinton becomes the next president of the United States, and Donald Trump was in on it. It is widely known that the Trumps and the Clintons are really good friends, so when the Donald launched his candidacy for…
Beaver Falls, MT – (

Ward was glad to see the old gang again, but was really excited to see the Beaver too.
Due to the recent interest in the new movie “The Beaver,” Hollywood has decided to remake “Leave It To Beaver” as both a television series and as a motion picture. “The Beaver,” a film with Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster, has absolutely nothing to do with the television series and involves a man who can only speak through an animal puppet on his hand. When viewers heard of the movie, however, they thought that the famous 50’s Cleaver family was returning.
Running down a list of changes he will make as President, Trump’s eighth change was to make women who’ve had abortions fair game to be shot.
"The American Dream is dead, and I am going to be doing some great things as president to make sure we never miss it," Trump vaguely hinted at the nightmare to come if he won the White House.
There has been a growing number of people comparing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. This is not a fair comparison, as evidenced by these 11 glaring differences between the two men.

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