Check Please!
After thirty years, Miles Hartington, 47, is calling it “quits” from the adult film industry, saying from now on he will just deliver the pizza and “get the hell out of there.”
The Donald Trump presidential campaign slogan - stolen from Ronald Reagan's 1980 presidential campaign - appeared to be a catchy, but essentially meaningless phrase meant to appeal to a growing number of Americans who were hopelessly ignorant of civics and history.
Washington – Daniela Vrooman, 4, took an unexpected trip to the White House this past Wednesday with her family.  President Obama and his staff invited Daniela as a good will gesture.  Doctors diagnosed the young child as a mute and have suggested with some certainty that she will never be able to speak again.
Maryland’s Democratic controlled legislature seems to ignore the state’s real long term economic problems that have difficult solutions. They then create problems and feel good solutions that divert people’s attention, but are then ignored.
Distracted driving seems to have legislators filing bills about driving and texting (not a good idea), driving while using a cell phone, driving and drinking coffee, and possibly driving and scratching their butts. A new law enables Maryland police officers to stop an automobile for distracted driving as a primary offense.
There is an artificial meat made from inorganic chemicals called Meatelle. It was manufactured in a factory, and you may have just eaten it.
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - It's not even half way through the year, but already, Time magazine has narrowed down its choices for the 2016 Person of the Year. The two finalists are both politicans -- one from the East, the other from the West.  One has just been elected president…
Las Cruces- (
Kate Upton just might go to a New Year’s Eve event with a Local Las Cruces man just because he asked nicely in a video he made with several of his friends and with the help of his lawn man Carlos.
VATICAN CITY (The Adobo Chronicles, Rome Bureau) - Media that focus on scandals and spread fake news to smear politicians are nothing but a piece of shit, Pope Francis said in an interview published on Wednesday. Francis told the Belgian Catholic weekly "Tertio" that spreading disinformation was "probably the greatest damage that the media can do" and…
In an election where political experience and policy has increasingly taken a backseat to childish name calling, Hillary Clinton upped the ante today with the announcement of insult comic Lisa Lampanelli as her running mate.
The once very popular television series, Crime Scene Investigation, which aired from 2000 to 2015, has recently announced that it will finally be able to properly reward viewers for their years and years of investment in the field of Forensic Science.
A self-described “Hamilton diner” has taken it upon himself to ignore the wishes of everyone at his restaurant table and order for them.
MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) - In his first press conference as senator-elect, boxing champion Manny Pacquiao promised those who voted for him that the bible will be his constitution, and that all his proposals and votes as a legislator will be "by the book." For starters, Pacquiao said that he is in favor…
Secret Santa the public never sees exposed! Father Christmas accused of being a ruthless sexual predator who, has been abusing his position of trust to sate his perverted desires!
The floor of the Louisiana Legislature was the scene of a brief skirmish in the culture wars as a flurry of escalatingly sexist bills took over as the subject of deliberation by that revered body.
Donald Trump, the wildly impersonateable presidential hopeful, will become the most impersonated man in the world next year if his journey to the White House is successful, according to impressionists last night.
The Prime Minister cut a lonely figure as EU leaders warmly embraced each other whilst completely ignoring her at an EU summit yesterday. But much worse than that, May has yet to receive a Christmas card from ANYONE yet this year.
Anyone who has ever read and gushed over Paulo Coelho’s novel “The Alchemist” is still totally enlightened and has achieved his or her dreams, according to a study by the Nathaniel Dubbles Institute for Higher Consciousness.
Calling the prohibition against feces in drinking water “over-regulation run amok,” Environmental Protection Agency Chief Scott Pruitt today ordered his department to stop enforcing it.
Beijing, China
For the fourth time this year, a murky haze has descended over north China, leaving residents of Beijing choking on toxic smog. China’s air hasn’t been this bad since 1954, according to the state-run People’s Daily newspaper.
China, who prides itself on cutting edge technology, ranks just above Mumbai, India as the most polluted air quality.
Aviation experts are opening up for the first time about airplane crashes, admitting that no one really knows how airplanes manage to stay aloft in the first place. They also admit being “totally stumped” as to why all aircraft don’t immediately plummet back to the ground after takeoff.

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