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Is coronavirus 'Fake News'? Conspiracy theories 'go viral' as President Trump claims Covid-19 is Chinese/Democrat conspiracy to discredit him, while UK conspiracy theorist claims virus is cover up for zombie apocalypse.
London UK – (
Al Gore was invited to speak at the May meeting of the modern day Flat Earth Society (FES) London Branch (LB) about his theories of greenhouse gases causing Global Warming/Climate Change and the catastrophic results. Mr. Gore, 15 of his associates and 10 reporters boarded two of his private jets to fly to London.
In our brilliant new series today we list the 90 things you already know about the Queen to mark her historic 90th birthday.

90) The Queen is famous for wearing hats

89) The Queen can drive
FDA head Eric Trump announced today his discovery of a cure for COVID-19 he made from a combination of soft drinks from the soda bar of a Golden Corral this afternoon.
‘While I don’t condone the file being leaked, it does explain an awful lot about Jeremy Hunt’s job performance,’ said one junior doctor.
"You'll see heat and fire like never before. You won't believe it. There'll be storms, so many storms they won't be able to name them all," he said this morning on Fox and Friends. "They'll run out of names. Mark my words. They'll be calling these storms things like 'Xylophone' and 'Pepperoni'."
Washington, DC – (
A new insiders view into the Michele Obama White House reveals the First Lady was not happy with her position in Chicago, which she claims was ruled by ‘insular white, Irish Catholics,’ and didn’t want to move to Washington until Sheila Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters were able to rename her residence ‘something more politically correct to fit my image and stature.’
Apparently efforts to change the ‘White House’ to “My Big Fat Pile” didn’t get very far.
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, New York Bureau) - Minutes after U,S. President Donald Trump walked out on Lesley Stahl, CBS announced it was renaming its news magazine show “60 MINUTES” to “37 MINUTES” Trump abruptly ended the interview 37 minutes or so into the taping after he accused Stahl of “asking tough…
Christian forces remain under siege in a bloody stalemate military experts are calling the most pivotal battle in the War on Christmas.
Cher maintained, “I don’t care whether they’re gypsies, tramps, or thieves. Half-breeds? I’ll take as many as I can. I’m urging my fellow celebrity friends to open their homes to these kids too.”
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - President Barack Obama is not giving up America's little brown that easily, despite pronouncements in China by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte that he wants to "separate" from the United States. In an effort to maintain the colonial and friendly relations between the two countries, Obama has invited Duterte…
Shrieking in terror in the morning is normal for many Americans but waking up and seeing Trump’s face when you look in the mirror is not.
A Thanksgiving gathering in Willows Grove, Michigan that acted as a super-spreading event for the COVID-19 virus last week was reportedly spent "mostly bickering and arguing" by one family member who was there.
There I was on the subway, minding my own business, when this skinny young thing who had been staring at me tapped my shoulder and said, “Excuse me, but I must confess that I cannot ignore your mass.”
MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) - The Philippines already holds the record of social media capital and selfie capital of the world, and now it is aiming for yet another Guinness honor -- that of SPAM capital of the world. Filipinos are using social media platforms 53 hours a week. That’s a whole 11…
Domenic Brooks, 52, formerly a salesman at Rod's Tote and Float RV and Boat Outlet in Durham, will now serve as Head F***stick of the same dealership after posting videos of himself taking part in the pro-Donald Trump insurrection, his boss Rod Towson confirmed.
In New York this week, the president sought to right what he saw as a terrible wrong, namely that the United Nations had been thieving all of his money.
he White House – (
President Barack Obama stunned his staff last night when he and a few members of Congress showed up at a White House Halloween costume party dressed as KKK Klansmen! The party was co-hosted by longtime Hollywood icon, and 'Barry' Obama supporter, singer/activist Barbara Streisand who donned a hood herself proclaiming she was part the ‘new and improved Jewish and Gay KKK.’
DALLAS (The Barbed Wire) - The first step toward recovery, no matter what the addiction, is admitting you have a problem. Glenn Beck has finally reached rock bottom and agreed to seek professional help for his out-of-control Cheetos habit. Beck's admission came just after releasing a video of himself diving face first into a big bowl of crushed Cheetos.
British public warned of existence of a new, more virulent strain of Boris Johnson. Women warned to stay at home as new slicker, less buffoonish Boris mutation poses greater threat of impregnation. Boris Johnson deniers dismiss new variant as 'scare tactic', claim original is actually shaved ape.

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