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WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, President Obama announced the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) - a massive multinational trade deal the president intends to sign - will protect the freedom of all Americans to not afford life-saving medicines. Instead, TPP will allow pharmaceutical companies to make more blood money by allowing them to keep longer patents on their drugs, and almost indefinitely prevent critical, far more affordable generic drugs from entering the American market.
DES MOINES, Iowa -- Disguised as a viable contender for the White House, a Maryland man sneaked onto the stage during the CBS Democratic presidential debate on Saturday, according to police.
Dolly Darling, the President’s Secretary, excitedly and fearfully puts the finishing touches to the Oval Office, the new lair of her boss Donald Trump. He would be here shortly and she knows all too well how critical he is that everything should be perfect, or at least perfect as possible...
David Cameron has written a stern letter to Prime Minister David Cameron, complaining about cuts to public services.

Cameron, who is on the verge of implementing a further round of swingeing cuts, was scathing about his behaviour, saying that it was "unacceptable to be cutting front line services at this difficult time". However, Cameron has delivered a stinging rebuke to himself, accusing him of "hypocrisy" and challenging him on how to provide the money to run "the kind of quality services that the voters of this country have come to expect".
"It's a super triple double king bonus plus plus size doggy-bed. That dog will feel like a doggy billionaire." Fred Flunkee, Salesman, Beds Inc
MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles) - World leaders will gather in Manila this week for the annual Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit, and the Philippines is putting its best foot forward to make the meeting a huge and memorable success -- for the visitors. Meanwhile, Filipinos have been asked by their goverment to make 'small'…
British And Commonwealth Highlands Bank has said that it is trialling a new man to man payments service exclusively for gentlemen, cutting women out of the payment options altogether, according to an insider with the news.
ARTISANAL PRESS — The United States Congress passed a motion during a special session this weekend, heretofore designating the popular deep-fried potato strips menu item in the Congressional cafeteria as “French fries.” The motion was intended as a display of solidarity with the people of France, following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Today, Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told Americans electing the United States' first female president was worth the final collapse and permanent extinction of the American middle class. Clinton urged Americans to not be sexist, and to vote for her instead of trying to prevent both their standard of living and wages from continuing their free fall courtesy of the very people bankrolling her presidential campaign.
Jeremy Corbyn, the so-called leader of the Labour Party caused outrage today as he blatantly refused to salute a single magpie which he encountered in Kensington High Street in full view of a Daily Mail reporter and great supporter of Her Majesty the Queen and our armed forces.
Welcome to Black Friday — a day of nonstop commercial hype! Here comes the holiday season. It’s a month-long season of friends, family and spiritual reflection, and a time to decompress from our usual helter-skelter lives. It kicks off with Thanksgiving: the one holiday on our calendar that’s meant to be a calm, family-oriented time.
A popular singer has once again experienced a mildly shocking relationship scandal which has succeeded in propelling her name into tabloid headlines.
HAVE YOU EVER worried that not enough data is being collected on you? That collection is too limited in its scope and doesn’t really capture the whole experience that is you with a capital Y? I mean you are building a life story here, playing the lead in the movie of your life, and finally the seats of the theatre are full—but...
Just a day after the terrorist massacre, killing over 150 innocent victims, the world watches with concern.  Or do they?  If internet search engines are any indication, concerned citizens from around the globe have already moved on.
WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, the White House announced it planned to indiscriminately bomb "way more" civilian targets in the Middle East than it had been prior to the terrorist attacks in Paris last night. President Obama explained air strikes that resulted in significant collateral damage were "the only way" to show the West's enemies that targeting civilians outside of the Middle East was completely unacceptable.
Staffers say that Hillary Clinton has not been the same since a discussion with “Miss Cleo.” WASHINGTON — Earlier today, a senior campaign staffer close to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton confirmed a popular psychic from the late 1990s named “Miss Cleo” had warned Mrs. Clinton of a “horrible Berning in 2016.”
Bryan Hancock, a 32-year-old unemployed alcoholic with a hair-trigger temper from Manchester, has been bemused to be told by the voices in his head to go and give his house a good tidying-up. Following on from his instructions from God or the devil, he isn't sure which, Hancock has reluctantly spent two hours cleaning scale off the walls in his shower.

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