Check Please!
Washington Redskins owner, Daniel Snyder, says he is ready to "bury the hatchet" with critics who object to his team's nickname because they consider it racist.
ARTISANAL PRESS — In a stunning victory for academic freedom, Netflix has announced plans to scrub references to "natural selection" from old episodes of the 1990s TV show Bill Nye the Science Guy.
CALIFORNIA – Apple revealed the newest iPhone today, and many customers aren’t too happy with some of the changes. The company has decided to “cut the cord” with their new “AirPod” wireless earbuds. But have you seen the size of these things??
We didn't figure we had inconvenienced anyone, and we sure would have been inconvenienced having to walk half a mile back to a regular lot, wasted as we were.
PORTLAND, OR — City to expand on success of “Tiny Houses for the Homeless” program.
37 year-old Robert Klein of San Diego has yet to murder his family after losing his job last week, a local news agency reported this morning.
Need a gun, drugs, and counterfeit money? Software to hack into your fucktard neighbor's computer or somebody to kill the bastard outright? What about login credentials to a $50,000 Bank of America account for $500? If these sound tailored to meet your personal needs or if you're truly into kiddie porn, you ought to be X-mas shopping on the Dark Web.
Fearing that her popularity among young voters has fallen to a critically low point, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has adopted a so-called “gothic” look to appeal to millennials.
New York – (
“Sounds like a classic case of drop dead tertiary psycho-syphilis,” Carnegie Hill shrink Professor Einstein Flintstone said today amid reports that Democratic Party basket case Hillary Clinton is slowly going nuts ahead of the upcoming presidential election.
New York City, NY - (
Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam, was recently named Grand Marshall for the 2016 New York City “Eat a Turd for Mohammed Day” Parade.

The Parade, which will cover the same distance and route as the more famous Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, is expected to be viewed by hundreds (and to disrupt New York City traffic for hours).
Trompe l'oeil (tromp LOY) or "trick of the eye" is the technique of using realistic imagery to create an optical illusion of depth and thereby fucking with people's minds. The term originated with a trickster named Louis-Léopold Boilly (1761-1845), who used it as the title of a painting he exhibited in the Paris Salon of 1800.
Los Angeles, CA – (

A massive iceberg which broke off from Antarctica’s Larsen Shelf today could spell disaster for Los Angeles if it floats too far north from the Antarctic continent.
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - In a taped interview for Dr. Oz's television show, Republican presidential candidate surprised the doctor host by showing him a letter detailing some aspects of his medical record. The letter showed that Trump is in good physical health, except for being overweight, taking medication to manage…
"I don't know much about the economy, but I do know who I hate and routinely blame for all of my problems. So, as long as I have a little more scraps than Black and Brown people, especially illegal immigrants, I am happy to be poor and die early due to working myself to death," confessed Basil.
Is the Tory Party under Boris Johnson actually a death cult? Top political analyst claims Tory supporters being lead into oblivion by a false Messiah.
President Donald Trump’s superior negotiating skills would’ve spared the alleged son of God from a horrifying death on the cross 2,000 years ago, according to the president.
Panic broke out among the Facebook friends of Nadine Booker, a Houston-area teacher who on Monday scrapped her profile photo and reverted to an old one, marking the 100th time she has done that.
Secret Service agents were surprised on Tuesday to find former Cuban president Fidel Castro hiding in a suitcase belonging to first lady Michelle Obama, who was due to leave Cuba with her husband after a three-day visit to the island nation.
There is only one kind of person in the world. He who knows about Schrödinger’s cat, and he who doesn't. For most of us, however, Schrödinger’s cat is a meme in search of a meaning.

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