Check Please!
Even if we pretend that he’s as white as he pretends to be, Jindal is still the least qualified person in America to tell immigrants they should assimilate and speak English.
Admission Requirements: Lie without grinning, look confused, provide Alternate Facts. Indoor record holder: Donald (25 per week).
Matilda, the popular tricerabot, has alleged that Sir Killalot would consistently chase her from behind and poke his lance right up her recharge socket against her wishes. She also claims she told the BBC of the incidents and was roundly ignored every time.
Washington DC:

The prophesy of the four Democratic Jackasses of the Apocalypse is foretold in the last chapters of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Book of Socialist Moron Politicians. The four Jackasses are symbols of the different events which will take place when the American people, in conjunction with the Republican Party, finally confront and vanquish the stable of corrupt, lying Democratic Party politicians.
PHILDELPHIA, Pennsylvania (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - Much has been said about Melania Trump plagiarizing Michelle Obama's 2008 speech during the former's appearance at last week's Republican National Convention. But today, the same could be said about former President Bill Clinton when he spoke at the Democratic National Convention to make the case for his wife…
Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke said Donald Trump and his presidential campaign have spurred him to spread the message that white people can be absolutely detestable.
Vatican City -(

In an effort to quell demands for his resignation from Vatican leaders, Pope Francis left Rome on Monday to travel to the US to visit shrines and diocese leaders. He hoped to stop at various religious landmarks he hadn't officially visited as Pope in previous US visits in an effort to shore up US solidarity after sex scandals have rocked the Church.
The box-set will consist of TWENTY-SEVEN CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays – all focusing on a marathon David Gilmour-led session. The entire band, as well as studio technicians, were tripping balls on acid and ended up producing a SEVEN hour jam that has been entitled ‘The Eternal Engagement’.
Actress, activist, and real-life blow-up doll Pamela Anderson is lobbying Gov. John Bel Edwards to make life infinitely more miserable for Louisiana prisoners by serving them all-vegan meals.
Government announces introduction of new ‘Universal Hate’ policy, under which all existing forms of hate crime, regardless of whether it is racial, religious or gender based, will be amalgamated into one single type of hate. Ministers hope new system will simplify process of hate crime for perpetrators, victims and police.
CARY, Wyoming--Nancy Maines, a 24 year-old project manager, is apparently experiencing a heavier than normal menstrual cycle this month, her colleague Josh Simon reports.  Maines recently filed a grievance with human resources accusing Simon and his supervisor Danny Kurtz of making sexist remarks. "Nancy's definitely on the rag," Simon claims, "Or at least PMS-ing like…
Migratory birds are arriving at their breeding grounds earlier than they previously did because they’ve bought into the liberal lie that global warming is real, according to researchers at Liberty University.
St.Petersburg, FL – (
Retired folks over at the Sunset Acres Mobile Home Park have had it!
First, it was the BlackLivesMatter marches in a predominately white retiree neighborhood by Alzheimer patients from a nearby nursing home who were given a donut and a phony 100 dollar bill by George Seros operatives to…’stir things up abit’.
Today was the last straw for many of the fairly religious and conservative residents after discovering a wall mural near the 117th street news stand of Hillary Clinton wearing, well, not much!
The nearly constant gesticulation of Sen. Bernie Sanders generates roughly the same power consumed by a small American community, according to researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
New York, NY – (

Thursday’s debut of the Presidential Alert of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System hit a bum note today with proctologists warning of ‘potentially dire consequences’ as telecoms providers promised to crank up cell phone tones and vibration functions ahead of the anticipated trial.
Benyon, who stands to inherit £110 million from his family’s estate, decided that something must be done about the rising use of food banks in the country. He decided to chip in by hand-baking dozens of loaves of bread every day, but not before he’d added wealthy seed to the dough.
Pittsburgh, PA - (

Joanna Cameron, star of the mid-1970’s Saturday morning television series Isis, claims that she is not in any way affiliated with the terrorist group ISIS (called ISIL by some Democrats to show support for and pander to Syria).
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles® ) - In a move that surprised the journalism industry, The Washington Post today converted from a respected mainstream newspaper to a supermarket tabloid, as a way of coping with declining subscriptions and advertising revenue. The Post now puts itself in direct competition with the popular tabloid National Enquirer, known for gossip columns, sensationalized…

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