Check Please!
Apparently, the vast majority of web surfers suffer from something called lying.
The White House (

President Bill Clinton served in office from 1992 through 2000. During that time Oval Office Sex was a prime concern of the American people as rumors swirled and innuendo became dreaded reality…The President of the United States was indeed having illicit sex in the Oval Office with an employed intern half his age! The resulting scandal was referred to as simply ‘Zippergate.’
Lashing out at what he saw as a threat to national security, after being told of an unflattering comment about himself, President Donald Trump today revoked all security privileges for the Home Alone child star MacCauley Culkin, effective immediately.
Patricia Clarkson, a retail associate from Dayton, Ohio, makes three quarters what her male counterparts with the same job title do, and she's okay with that, her husband Tom says.
Local Kindergartner Phillip Bradley has made his family proud this week...
Los Angeles, CA – (
Kate Upton just might go to a senior prom with a random LA high schooler just because he asked nicely in a video he made with several of his friends and the help of his lawn man.
Washington, DC – (

Democratic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi of the Fruitcake, California district, who is constantly looking everywhere to attempt to make President Donald Trump look bad, has now decided that he should be impeached because “he likes large breasted women.”
"Peace and War", a new book penned by Melania Trump, has taken the literary world by storm as readers and critics alike hail the work a modern masterpiece.
In what is being seen as generally a foregone conclusion, sources in Washington agreed Tuesday that Attorney General Sessions is pretty much responsible for a recent hurricane, and Former FBI Director James Comey probably had a hand in it, too.
Benton, AR – (
According to “after action” reports Hillary left Iowa earlier than planned after attempts to show the former First Lady as ‘a regular old grandma” went horribly wrong leading to since scrubbed footage of Hillary deluged with Wal Mart shoppers previously seen world wide on U-Tube videos poking fun at outrageously dressed, grossly over weight, and cross dressing toothless zombies stalking the aisles of the discount stores!
Transylvania,Romania – (

The famous Dracula’s Castle, the Transylvania landmark once home of Vlad the Impaler and also known as Bran Castle, is up for sale in Romania. The sale price is estimated to be about $150 million in U.S. dollars.
While the castle has little indoor plumbing (except public bathrooms in the tourist areas), it does offer the following amenities:
President Donald Trump’s administration is strongly urging that any investigation into possible Russian influence in last year’s presidential election be led by a relatively unknown person with a peculiar name.
Broward County Florida – (

When it comes to paying up after losing a bet, you can now count on Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as a promise keeper. When Florida State beat Notre Dame this past Saturday, Debbie grabbed a Bic razor and quickly shaved her girlie-mustache.
But she cheated!
Tehran, Iran – (
Iranian Ayatollah Smella Buttholla has demanded that, like Muhammad, no one is to take his picture or to draw/paint/sculpt a caricature or portrait of him. Buttholla feels that, to attempt to emulate the Isamic prophet, one must act like and be treated like the prophet.
WASHINGTON-A local man was outraged earlier today by being forced to buy a companion airplane ticket for the sex slave he keeps in a dog carrier.
Stockholm, Sweden – (

Olympic and world champion (Speed skating and pole vault) Ivana Phuque and her sister-in-law Nastia Phuque (a five time Olympic medalist and world champion in gymnastics herself) have announced their intention to compete as a doubles team on the tennis tour. Ivana, who previously said that she would compete on the LPGA tour, said that she changed her mind when the opportunity to work side by side with her sister-in-law and best friend. “I love her and cannot wait to get down and dirty with her on the tennis tour.”
Donald's .357 tries to match Kim Jong Un's antiaircraft guns. Tillerson weighs in over the nuclear button. Brinksmanship? No, it's reckless stupidity.
Since news broke last month that the LSU AgCenter would begin taking steps toward producing medical marijuana, the research facility has been inundated with employment applications and unsolicited advice for growing cannabis.
Scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab this week announced the historic discovery of a newspaper clipping on Mars, proving that intelligent life once inhabited the red planet. And also, that all life on earth is essentially toast.
A———————study was released last week detailing a dramatic increase in the number of people who battle with narco—————————tics, wait, excuse me, narcolepsy.  I’m sure that plenty of people struggle with narcotics too.

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