Check Please!
HRW’s second round of criticism stems from a report this week about Corey Miller, better known as the rapper C-Murder, recently releasing a video for a new single titled “Dear Supreme Court/Under Pressure”
A brashly condescending supporter of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign suffered moderate injuries after falling from her anti-Bernie Sanders high horse.
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump revealed on CNN’s "New Day" this morning that his 2016 bid for the White House is nothing more than an extremely elaborate prank.
Chicago, IL – (

New York Democratic Senator, Charles ‘the tumor’ Schumer, has a lot to explain to constuituents after an open microphone incident in Chicago stunned reporters as they dropped their iphones in disbelief. New York voters are in shock over what they call a blantant case of sexual harrassment.

Atlantic Beach, SC – (

Financially bankrupt, politically corrupt, and dysfunctional Atlantic Beach, SC has pulled out all the stops this year to insure that the annual ‘Black Bike Week’ is not only successful, but finally turns a ‘profit’ by naming the First Couple as Honorary Marshals of the motorcycle festival for 2016.
Donald donned the bucket in an attempt to mock Democratic voters, claiming that they have ‘their head in the sand’ but when he was unable to remove said bucket he was quickly whisked away by his handlers.
ATLANTA, Georgia (The Adobo Chronicles,Washington Bureau) - Forty-seven states, DC and the Virgin Islands have laws that specifically allow moms to breastfeed in any public or private location. Two of the remaining states — South Dakota and Virginia — exempt breastfeeding moms from public indecency or nudity laws, and Idaho is the only state that has…
An Aberdeen man who posed for a selfie with an alleged hijacker says the skid marks found in his underpants by airport security guards were fake. Cypriot authorities said they found Mr.Innes had soiled his underwear following a routine medical examination but the former oil worker maintains he had shat his pants on purpose as...
I must say, Zano, ninety percent of what you write has nothing to do with my articles and the other ten percent seems to involve midget porn. Back in the day, when we’d watch the McLaughlin Group, I don’t remember that being such a prominent issue in world affairs. We need to find a way to agree on the basics! On this…
by Alexander Vosh.Media seeking to be ‘fair and balanced’ by adding vampire fangs to all images of Bernie Sanders. WASHINGTON — Today, a confidential memo between American corporate media outlets was leaked to the press. The memo ordered all outlets to add vampire fangs to all images of Bernie Sanders in response to his recent big Democratic [more...]Subscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format.

Tip Top Predictions Magazine Horoscope Of The Year, Taurus January, 2019

Primates Club Of Cambridge, Paris, Monkey In A Horoscope, Gemini, February 2015
The couple are said to be very much in love. However, for Taylor, who has made a career out of unhappy relationships and break-ups, this is not necessarily a good thing creatively.
The duo, who have never been seen apart since they teamed up in 1990 on Byker Grove, have decided they are so in tune which one another that they wish to become a single person.
Paris, France-(

>Found in awkward position.
>Family upset-Rushing to scene.
>Police investigate workers.
>Manager detained.

Police and investigators are in a quandary after reports trickled in that the Paris Hilton is dead due to drug use. Fans flocked to the scene as health officials and police investigators combed the area for clues and evidence.
Bonn, Germany – (

A recently discovered trove of unseen Nazi secret documents dating from the Hitler era, disclosed a secret many allied intelligence services have overlooked for more than 65 years….Adolph Hitler was totally color blind and a real bad sport about practical jokes being played upon him.
Just hours after ITV's screening of a controversial new documentary on the Queen, who this year is celebrating her 90th birthday, a woman in Sheffield has been admitted to hospital after trying to eat an entire It's Good To Be Queen cushion apparently after being told it was made out of chocolate.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) — The Supreme Court handed organized labor a major victory on Tuesday, deadlocking 4 to 4 in a case that had threatened to cripple the ability of public-sector unions to collect fees from workers who chose not to join and did not want to pay for the unions’ collective bargaining…

Washington, DC – (
Barry is feeling the bern as the 74 year old communist is closing on Hill the Pill for the democratic nomination! “This could be our last year in paradise,” Barry was heard on a hot mike with Debbie the Douche at a MA fundraiser!

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