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News of the deaths of three unrelated Amish youth exploded like after-market vape pens in this Amimsh town.
With social media assuming a larger role in shaping the way consumers feel about everything from the brand of sneakers they wear to the restaurants they used to think they liked, people can usually rest assured that online influencers will steer them in the right direction when it comes to what to spend their money on.
Postcards from the Pug Bus today launched its National Penultimate Day campaign by sending a Bewerbungsschreiben to the National Day Calendar requesting that December 30 each year be designated National Penultimate Day.
Set against the backdrop of the February 1974 general election, Humber's film is a 'ripped-from-the-headlines expose of the seamier side of the British political scene. The plot is straightforward: teenager Wally, attending a Young Conservatives convention declares that he wants to become a political groupie and stows away in the campaign bus of a parliamentary candidate, bound for what he thinks will be the bright lights of the London political scene.
Fury over trailer for new film version of 'Cats' - critics accuse makers of prejudice due to failure to cast real cats. Claim use of human actors playing felines as bad as white actors blacking up to play negro roles. Casting allegedly part of media's pro-dog, anti-cat, agenda.
Will male incontinence products be the next advertising phenomena? With women's incontinence products market now saturated, advertisers turning to male equivalents, promising 'Wet Sell' to make rubber pants and adult nappies to cater for binge drinking and curry consequences sexy.
President Donald Trump shocks nation by appearing in black face and performing minstrel songs live from White House. Aides claim President's actions represent celebration of black American culture and are definitely not racist.
Who would have thought that a milkshake being thrown over a neo fascist could be condemned as being on a par with a terror attack? But that's what some people would have you believe after a recent spate of such incidents over the past couple of weeks...
Walmart's CBD-infused dental dams will be available in 500- and 1000-milliliter sizes. Additional flavors will include heavenly gash, Cherry Garcia, and pussy.
. . . Apple, it seems, has saved one of the most revolutionary features of its gear new phone for last: the Fecal Finderâ„¢ app, which can detect fecal material as small as one part per one hundred millionth on any iPhone 11.
Opening fire outside a Marshall's just after 10:30 a.m., the man, Austin Travis, or Travis Austin, 22, shot and wounded three people before a fourth ran away.
. . . with a random sample of 204 men and 282 women born between 1983 and 2000. Most were heterosexual, though many said they were offended by that question.
Now, in its recently released Christmas issue, High Times introduces "Pot Mortem," a column that commemorates the latest marijuana strains to have gone, in scientific jargon, tits up.
The Peterson family of Escondido, California was shocked to discover this week that their mother and grandmother Rosemary - who went missing from her nursing home in June - has been living amongst the local Indians' casino these past three months.
Although he stopped short of suggesting a link between terrorism and the rash of travelers who wound up as many as five hundred miles off course after following aggressive GPS instructions, the president said ...
Virgo (8/23 - 9/22): Your sun is in Leo, which could portend trouble because it's supposed to be in Albuquerque. Leo's son, meanwhile, has just confessed his love for his stepmother, who is being blackmailed by a mysterious, talkative gentleman named Jack Herer ...
Taylor Swift announced via her website this morning that she is closing her anal bleaching salon, Pucker Up. Ms. Swift opened the salon nine years ago . . .
Occurring just minutes after wrapping a recorded interview with ESPN at the network's Manhattan studios, the former quarterback was severely injured when he stepped out into 5th Avenue traffic without looking.
Therefore, instead of surprising someone with flowers or giving a fake name at Starbucks, here are ten righteous ways to celebrate National Just Because Day.
Postcards from the Pug Bus is a satire site that is usually funny, sometimes profane, and always a few fries short of a happy meal.

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