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If my grandmother communicated it to me through a series of emphatic grunts once, she communicated it a thousand times: tiny humans are the most dangerous ones of all, and if a tiny human ever falls into your zoo enclosure, just walk far away and pretend to sleep.
CHICAGO (The Barbed Wire) - The publishers at IDG Books, the company that puts out the "For Dummies" line of informative books, have signed a deal with Hillary Clinton to publish her book teaching the do's and dont's of emails, based on her expertise in the field. The book will be titled "Emails for Hillary's."
The picture shows Trump and friends at a grand gathering in his New York mansion dressed from head-to-toe in white robes. While many are calling ‘Ku Klux Klan’, Trump has laughed off the remarks, saying that it was a Halloween party where they all just happened to dress as ghosts.
The White House condemned Senator McConnell's announcement, and asserted it was "pretty sure" a dead man's ghost could not serve on the Supreme Court.
Two movies titled Deadpool enter, only one will leave (with its title) as Herman Davis, Andrea Vickery, Zach Vickery and Robert Rau watch the surprise hit of 2016 and the last of the Dirty Harry movies to determine who deserves the title Deadpool.
The real (???) Sunny Weathers tells Jeremy White and Dorque host Knick Moore about how some dumb bastard stole his identity and messed with what little credit he has. In this “original trio” episode from El Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant, the guys also discuss and irresponsibly speculate on the recent shootings throughout the Baton Rouge metro area.
An area bargain hunter expressed her heartfelt appreciation for all the American servicemen and women who laid down their lives so she could save a few hundred dollars on a new bedroom set.
Popular names like Tom Hiddleston, Idris Elba and Gillian Anderson have been eschewed for the two diminutive actors.
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - During a live television discussion on undocumented immigrants, conservative author Ann Coulter referred to Asian Americans as "Mandarin." Her fellow panelist on the Chris Matthews show corrected her and said they are called "Asian Americans," but Coulter insisted it was the correct term and refused to…
Our source in the BBC said that the upper management were furious with the new Top Gear and wish they’d never released Clarkson and company.
Declared a global public health emergency by the World Health Organization, the Zika virus has been linked to birth defects and other debilitating health problems. But could it also help you lose weight?
Masters, known as Little D to his former female friends, has been forced to admit his life has been a bit of a waste of time after yet another failed venture.
Ben Harris, 29, from London, has persuaded himself that is practising yoga as the only man in a class of 20 is purely for stress relief and to improve his flexibility. The fact that he has tried his luck with six female members is purely coincidental, he said.
by Michael Egan.‘I have no idea what that stuff is made of, but it sure as hell ain’t no human follicles,’ said the dying fly from Donald Trump’s hair. NYC – In an exclusive interview published in today’s Insect Times, the fly that got stuck in Donald Trump’s hair reported that it has “no idea what that [more...]Subscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format.
Dear Throckmorton P. Turdblossom,
Me and my buddy Ralph heard that they were going to have discount boob jobs at Walmart. We want to sign Ralphs sister up for the service because she is the carpenter’s dream (flat as a board) and a treasure hunter’s dream (a sunken chest) all rolled into one. Patricia is a nice girl and all, but she’s so boobless that she could wear her bra backwards and no one would notice.
OAKLAND, California (The Adobo Chronicles, San Francisco Bureau) - "I want to be a champion for Oakland and all the other Oaklands in the country." With these words, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton put this California city on the U.S. map, big time! Clinton made this promise during a visit to a local restaurant at Jack…
The White House - (
Some are saying it was a revenge motivated ‘accident.’ Others are saying it was a practical joke. Insiders at the White House are saying the breech of security has Valerie Jarrett steaming mad over her personal photo release, and in particular, several photos that were secretly taken by the CIA in 2009.
Campaigners for Bill Cosby to become president of the US have now admitted that their candidate may now be too inappropriate to run for office, with his imminent trial for assault making him slightly less palatable than Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.
What do we know about Republican foreign policy? About as much as they do, nadda, nichts, zilch. We do know they want to bomb everything that moves. On that note, my friend Keith is screwed. When polled, nearly a third of our rightwing citizenry want to bomb Agrabah (a fictional Disney city). True story …not about Aladdin,…

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