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N. Korea—The Glorious Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, announced today his country has a bomb capable of annihilating several American fictional cities. Jong Un stated, “We can now take out Springfield, South Park, and Toon Town with impunity. Our delivery range and new missile system is vastly improved over the Limp Dong I and the…
Agrabah—In a move that some are calling premature, Donald Trump is already Tweeting other world leaders in an effort to make America Tweet Again. Mr. Trump told the press today, “Lately I have been Tweeting a lot in the middle of the night, but not all of it is just Rosie O’Donnell and Hillary Clinton jokes. It’s not. Sure…
'Trump has brought a flamethrower to a stick fight, and fully understands confirmation bias,’ the Dilbert creator claims. Scott Adams’ May 27 appearance on Bill Maher’s Real Time should be compulsory reviewing for all of us. The creator of Dilbert revealed himself as not just a guy with a sharp sense of humor, but a...
‘Let the biggest dick win,’ said Trump. ‘Which of course would be me. I am the greatest, most classiest dick of all time.’ NEW YORK – Donald Trump announced today that he was challenging his fellow presidential candidates to a ‘Biggest Dick” contest before the next debate.
“Politicon” is a nonpartisan comic-con style event for politics and entertainment. LONG BEACH, CA — Attendees at this weekend’s Long Beach Comic-Con were treated to a cosplay flashmob performance by past performers of “So You Thing You Can Dance” to promote the upcoming “Politicon,” a nonpartisan comic-con style event for politics and entertainment.
Labyrinth of Lies has been selected to represent Germany in the Best Foreign Language Film category at next year’s Academy Awards. It was directed by Giulio Ricciarelli and tells the story of the legal and social struggle Germany faced approximately a decade after WWII.
Which question has more relevancy: what did Miles Davis do for jazz, or what did Miles Davis do to jazz? From where I’ve been listening over several decades, both questions have precisely the same answer: “Quite a bit!”
by Humor Times.If they succeed, we lose: they get less competition, and will raise prices, and we get stuck with their lousy service and slowest-in-the-world internet speeds. Help support small internet provider companies by contacting the FCC ... Read moreGiant Telecoms Trying to Wipe Out the Small Internet Provider: You’ll PaySubscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format. Pick up a copy at Barnes & Noble and other stores all over the U.S.
What my blogvesary, Pokey McDooris, fails to understand about the recent FBI ‘scandals’ is how our leaders have, and always will have, a little more leeway than your average Joe. A Hillary Clinton, or anyone of her stature from either political party, will never go down for a few questionable email exchanges. Whereas I cover crimes that warrant a military firing…
Many are wondering how the lead republican nominee, Ben Carson, could possibly be a top pediatric neurosurgeon. Many of his comments seem astonishingly obtuse, especially for an accomplished math-a-physician. Today, there is mounting evidence Carson is not the good doctor, but is actually the patient! The Discord has exclusive evidence the person masquerading as Ben Carson is…
by Michael Egan.Police say Huckleberry Finn was spotted floating down the Mississippi with a fugitive African-American immigrant agricultural worker. HANNIBAL, MO – Lovable scamp Huckleberry Finn, whose childhood “adventures” were celebrated by best-selling American author Mark Twain, was shot dead by Missouri police today. Mr Twain, who now resides permanently in an up-state New York cemetery, was [more...]Subscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format.
Is it fair to make sweeping generalizations solely based on longitude and latitude? To taunt his rival and sow seeds of evangelical doubt, Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz informed Donald Trump that the rest of the country was concerned about his alarming New York Values. Totally ignoring the greater danger...
There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the Supreme Court with the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Will Durst is here to help. Q. Has the issue of Justice Antonin Scalia’s replacement on the Supreme Court turned a mite political? A. You could say that. You could also say that flight simulation wind-tunnels are tough on comb-overs.
Now that the presumptive nominees are set, the presidential campaign has officially entered its “begging for money like we’re raising bail for our little sister who’s being held in a Turkish prison” stage. And a pre-convention lull has descended upon the proceedings like a moist blanket of sulk.
“Black Mass” – a film review by Gary Chew Without any surprise for me, there’s only one scene in Black Mass that doesn’t contain the use of that old stand by … the F-Word. It’s when, at the dinner table with his young son, notorious criminal Whitey Bulger is teaching his boy a life lesson...
In related news, the promo for Sharknado 3 depicts a shark in space with the caption: “Oh hell NO!”

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