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For centuries, but even more so over the past few years as governments have finally started to acknowledge encounters with extraterrestrial spacecraft, humans have been wondering over the intentions of our alien visitors...
Early into the first debate ahead of the 2024 presidential election, eight Republican candidates were asked whether they thought anything was wrong with Britney Spears. None did.
Former Vice President Mike Pence was arrested for urinating in a public fountain in Cedar Rapids, Iowa yesterday, the latest in a rash of crimes being committed by Republican presidential candidates shifting tactics in response to mounting data showing that the indictments against Donald Trump have only helped him strengthen his front-runner status for the 2024 GOP nomination.
Besieged on all sides by the armies of Joe Biden's shadowy Deep State empire for the crime of trying to make America great again, Donald Trump needs our help now more than ever. The following are some ways you and your family can save money to use to contribute more to our President's legal defense fund:
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Monday signed a bill stripping manatees of their state protections over reports of homosexual behavior.
One week after a video for "Try That in a Small Town" that uses stock footage to depict police brutality protestors as violent criminals propelled the lackluster song to the top of the charts, Jason Aldean is looking to harness his momentum with a full-length album of similar cultural-war-themed anthems.
As the heat dome sitting over the American Southwest continues to broil the region, rising humidity levels throughout Texas has introduced another issue for its suffering residents: the Lone Star State smells like balls.
When 45-year-old Ellen woke up in a soybean field after spending 36 hours aboard an extraterrestrial spacecraft, she had no idea that her nightmare was actually just beginning.
The future Trump Presidential Library in West Palm Beach drew a large crowd for an appearance by Lib_Crusher, an online activist known for his prolific authorship of death threats against liberal leaning politicians, judges and celebrities.
A rash of elaborate billionaire suicides has the international psychiatric community investigating why some of the world's wealthiest individuals are choosing to take their own lives
Commemorating the official end of slavery, the day of (and let's face it, also the days surrounding) June 19th, is celebrated by millions. Across the country, parties are held, parades organized. The likes of Lincoln, Douglass, Tubman are honored, adored. Some even get the day off from work to observe fondly the liberation of their ancestors and the opportunities that deliverance afforded them.
Colin Kuchar, who replaced Jim Trusty as lead attorney on the former president's classified documents case after Trusty leapt to his death from a parking structure Thursday evening, hung himself this morning. Meanwhile, Cameron DeChambeau, who stepped in for John Rowley after Rowley jumped off the George Washington Bridge Friday afternoon, threw himself from his apartment's 42nd floor balcony last night.
The American Nazi Party has found itself in the crosshairs of right-wing outrage after it was discovered that the organization has started to implement new diversification policies.
Within hours of the announcement that a deal had been reached to raise the debt ceiling, Republican leaders issued a statement reassuring party members that no concessions had been made that would affect in any way the lives of the extremely wealthy or their heirs.
Corroborating the recently expressed beliefs of many within his own party that he can't win a general election, several new polls have Donald Trump losing against an array of candidates, creatures and inanimate objects.
One week after the expiration of Title 42 brought masses of people seeking asylum in the US, border towns are now facing a surge of those same migrants seeking to flee the country.
ALVIN, TX - A gunman opened fire on an outlet mall in a Houston-area outlet mall this morning, killing nine people and wounding ten more before being shot dead by another mass shooter firing on the same mall, authorities said.
Americans now view trans people as the top problem facing the nation, while more conventional lesbians and gays also remain an issue of concern, a new Fox poll shows.
Suspending their years-long push to pass a federal abortion ban, House Republicans will focus instead on weakening the ability of popular opinion to shape public policy, members of its leadership are now signaling.
Facing calls for impeachment over his use of luxury jets, yachts and lavish resorts provided by real estate magnate Harlan Crow, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas denied today that such feting has had any influence over his tenure on the bench.

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