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Washington DC- (
High ranking officials of the Republican National Committee (RNC) met with high ranking officials of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The meeting was convened to map out a bipartisan strategy that would prevent and deal with violent protesters at their respective presidential nominating conventions. The RNC national convention will be held in Cleveland OH (July 18-21, 2016) and the DNC national convention will be held in Philadelphia PA (July 25-28, 2016).
Claiming that he has a “knack for bringing the deceased back to life,” Donald Trump told a crowd of evangelical voters today that if elected, he will bring the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia back from the dead.
Leaders of the European Union have reacted swiftly to Brexit news by planning to fill the void with a someone a little less picky about concepts of democracy and who is rarely troubled by migrants. North Korea offers the perfect solution as a totalitarian state willing to take Eurovision seriously and happy to use the French phrase ‘American imperialist pigdog'.
  “I’m changing the main tenant of Buddhism from Harm None, to Harm One, which is still relatively pacifistic.” —Dalai Lama
Dave Lippman’s new CD may have the most songs ever totaling less than 48 1/2 minutes. At 19 tunes, they average a brisk 2 1/2 minutes per song, with five of them under two minutes. But Lippman packs a lot into...
A Miami area resident recently discovered the “couch to 5k program” and has decided that it sounds like a great option for him to start living the lifestyle he wants to live.
The sudden interest in family lineage has little to do with history and everything to do with fans who are desperate to hop on the Wales bandwagon after they beat Belgium 3-1 to secure a place in the Euro 2016 semi-finals. A feat not accomplished by England since Euro 1996, twenty years ago.
Local Area Telemarketer Mark Mandel was oddly receptive to the woos of the TelCore employee appreciation Monday...
Washington, DC – (

Sources in the highest levels of the FBI are privately saying that an arrest warrant was issued for Democratic Presidential candidate, and former First Lady, Hillary Clinton after reports of Justice Department Secretary Lynch was caught at a secret meeting with Bill Clinton.
"When an American drone kills someone it is always killing a person representing a clear and present danger to the United States, and never innocent people," declared Obama at an afternoon press conference.
A Cuyahoga County employee, Jackson Fromm, has filed a lawsuit against the County Auditor's office, alleging that workplace conditions, in
particular jokes frequently shared by staff members, aggravate a medical condition from which he suffers, synesthesia.
In the middle of a rather uncivil war, Jeremy Corbyn has seen over half of his Shadow Cabinet resign, and even some of the replacements have since stepped down. Desperate times call for desperate measures, which must be why Corbyn was spotted with a clipboard, pleading for people to join the Cabinet.
‘All you need to do is look at the man and the claim certainly passes the eye test,’ said political analyst Dick Skinner. ‘He’s a rubbery mass of ineptitude.’
OTTAWA, Canada (The Adobo Chronicles, San Francisco Bureau) - People Magazine is known for its international list of top celebrities and professions -- from the 'Most Beautiful Women,' to 'Sexiest Doctor Alive' to "Most Influential Men and Women on Earth.' In its upcoming, special double-issue, the magazine has named the 'Sexiest Male Models Alive.' That's right -- models…
England and Man City forward Raheem Sterling has taken to social media to remind England fans that while he may well be totally shit at playing association football…he is actually a totally shit association footballer who can afford encrusted bathroom fixtures and still have enough cash left over to fill his drive with a fleet...
  The Fourth Circle of Hell—Many are questioning the devil’s decision to host the first presidential debate. What’s even more disturbing for some is Lucifer’s choice to hold the event in the Fourth Circle. Dante’s Hell has a total of 9 Circles, and 4 bathrooms, but recent national polling indicates the majority of Americans feel the debate should be held in…
Today, Fox News announced it wanted to host a presidential debate between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton in Benghazi, Libya. The spurious news network declared it would be the perfect place for Trump and...
(Profane Language Warning) Those Brits did something bold and almost inconceivable by voting to withdraw from the European Union but what exactly does that mean for us in the rest of the entire world, AKA The USA?
Boston, MA – (

Taking a page from General Custer, Mass-hole Senator Elizabeth Warren tried to circle her wagons after she was outed over her claims she was a minority Indian Maiden which afforded her special affirmative action perks during her rise to the 1%.

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