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Tweet Tower–Shortly after the announcement that long time Communications Director Hope Hicks would be leaving her position at the White House, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders said, “The president is already turning this into a positive. He is creating a new campaign for 2020. No Hope! It really says it all, and it fits nicely on…
GOP Candidates vie to top each other’s insults after Trump successfully mocks Fiorina WASHINGTON, DC — Donald Trump says he was only talking about Carly Fiorina’s “persona” — not her looks — when he suggested that shuddering Republicans couldn’t possibly vote for “that horsey, arrogant, self-satisfied anorgasmic face.”
Chicago, Il—Last night republican presidential candidate Donald Trump canceled his Chicago rally due to safety concerns. Trump was not happy with the number of protestors in the audience. The Chicago Police Department insisted they had a sufficient ratio of batons to black skulls and encouraged Trump to proceed with the event and antagonize minorities as he saw…
Some have taken note of a pause in my periodic Apology column. I can assure you this so-called “pause” amounts only to a period of time wherein I could not bring myself to my job. It takes almost a superhuman editorial strength to acknowledge some of the rampant journalistic abuses all to common in this rag…
Dog-whistle politics is a term that describes statements made by political candidates and people in elected positions phrased in ways intended to galvanize support from like-mined voters. At the same time such political revenuers try to avoid repulsing voters who are on the fence. “Family values” might be an example of a dog-whistle. Lately a…
What would the dead presidents say about so-called president Donald J. Trump? Now you know. Abraham Lincoln “Frederick Douglass was a friend of mine. President Trump — you are no Frederick Douglass!” George Washington “I’m still pissed — my Inauguration crowd numbers would’ve been way up if it wasn’t for that dishonest Town Crier!” Franklin
  “Prancer took a ground-to-air missile right in the keister last year. Luckily, he’s into that kind of thing.” —Santa Claus *Blitzenkreig & Holly Jolly Jihad joke both removed by the editor and repackaged for Humorfeed.
The Humor Times has obtained this exclusive transcript of Donald Trump promising to make baseball great again. We’re going to make America’s Game great again. The Dominicans are absolutely killing us. They’re crossing our foul lines and taking roster spots from American players. Folks, they are steroid users and their pitchers throw spit-balls.
Tweet Tower—Did you listen to that entire press conference? It was like reading Lord of the Rings backwards. We must get the One Coherent Thought from Mt. Doom back to that pub in the Shire! At this rate by 2020 the GOP can just legislate by scribbling their laws on the walls of a truck stop restroom. Maybe Betsy DeVos…
The super-rich spend billions to buy the president – but your little donation can counter them. For today’s report, I have a bunch of statistics for you. Wait — don’t run away! Where are you going? Come back here and sit still while I drill these stats into your head! It’ll be fun...
by Michael Egan.‘Lab Penis’ facility says request is not unique but its ‘aryan’ prescription ‘is unsual’ WINSTON-SALEM, NC — The Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, which specializes in fake dicks, false [more...]Subscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format.
I got it! Let’s keep the “illegals” and load Congress onto buses. How about that for comprehensive immigration reform? I can see it now, Louis Armstrong singing What A Wonderful World, a chirping cartoon bird landing on your shoulder, a bill some day passing Congress. Think about it, a line of buses heading south with all those do-nothing politicians. Eleven million deportations isn’t…
Brussels, BE—If the German Prime Minister, Angela Merkel, was trying to portray a strong and resolute European Union today, she did nothing of the sort. She arrived at the latest EU conference to discuss the details of The United Kingdom’s withdrawal carrying three boxes of Dunkin Donuts. Sweden, Finland, and Spain did not even get one as Merkel apparently…
by Roger Freed.ISIS ‘heroes’ find their heavenly reward The dead ISIS members paraded up the path leading to their Glory. As they walked they boasted about their accomplishments. “I drove a truck with bombs in it into a marketplace and killed 22 people!” spoke one, his broken teeth smiling in self-satisfaction. “I wore a suicide vest into [more...]Subscribe to our monthly Humor Times magazine here, available worldwide, in print or digital format.
This isn’t about healing anymore, it’s about collapsing. I’m afraid that’s the only trick left in the republican bag of tricks. Speaking of bags, why not stuff your political party into one, light it on fire, and leave it in on someone’s porch? I would say ‘wake up’, but it’s probably best to stay asleep…
Aliens are now generally unsupportive of the idea that humans have, in any shape or form, been to Earth, according to new polling.

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