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President Trump is expected to sign a presidential order intended to alleviate the suffering of COVID-19 victims in the battered Dakotas region. Hurrying into the White House, wearing a defiant yellow slicker on his return from a golf outing yesterday afternoon . . .
A Thanksgiving gathering in Willows Grove, Michigan that acted as a super-spreading event for the COVID-19 virus last week was reportedly spent "mostly bickering and arguing" by one family member who was there.
Incidents of assault, property damage and criminal mischief spiked dramatically country-wide yesterday as deal-crazed cyber shoppers clashed over Black Friday deals.
WASHINGTON D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles, Washington Bureau) - After weeks of claiming he won the November 3 U.S. Presidential elections, Donald Trump has finally conceited. Not that he wasn’t before. Trump has fired his own key officials, tried to summon state elections officials who belong to the Republican party, promises to avail of his presidential…
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, New York Bureau) - As the entire country of America is in a somber mood because Thanksgiving cannot be celebrated in the same tradition citizens are used to due to the coronavirus pandemic, The New York Times heralded a surprise fact about President-elect Joe Biden. In a headline…
Appearing before the same judge who rebuffed his attempt to scrap as many as 700,000 votes from the Keystone State's tallies last week, Rudy Giuliani cited an 18th century law to justify his claim.
The Chicago Bears declared themselves the victors of their clash with the Minnesota Vikings on Monday Night Football last night despite having scored six less points than their NFC North rivals.
Last Tuesday was Election Day, and now its time to learn whether your favorite political administrations are coming back!
Appearing Monday before hundreds of freezing supporters in Saugatuck, Michigan, Donald Trump held the first of dozens of newly scheduled rallies intended ostensibly to punish those who failed to re-elect him President.
While fake satire sites were embarrassing themselves repeating the same unfunny, self-revealing screeds about Mr. Trump, we saw him for what he was...the man with the only chance of turning back the tides of neo-Marxism and of uniting this majestic nation and making it great again, again.
That's what happens when we don't stop apologizing. St. Augustine gives way to a pink-haired fourth-wave feminist writing about the oppressiveness of her menstrual cycle.
Four years after its last mayoral race was decided by a single vote, the town of Felicity, California, population 2, looks to be headed for a legal battle to determine it's next municipal leader.
Are Democrats planning to use trick or treating kids to scare Donald Trump to death this Halloween? Right-wing commentator claims to have uncovered evil leftist plot for children in terrifying masks and costumes to keep knocking on White House door and enrage President into fatal heart attack.
Did Donald Trump secretly finance Antifa and Black Lives Matter in order to ferment social unrest and rally extreme right in his support? Incredible conspiracy claims made by journalist as some Trump supporters question fairness not just of mail in votes, but secret ballots in general.
Have experimental Covid treatments turned Donald Trump into ravening beast? Top scientists express fears that side effects from untested drugs could have transformed President into troglodyte, flesh hungry cannibal eating his way through White House staff or, worse, a black man. Supporters fear the worst.
TUCSON, AZ - A flaming dumpster made an appearance at Tucson International Airport this afternoon, serving as the centerpiece of a mass gathering designed apparently to spread COVID-19 to as many Arizonians as possible.
For many, the product of a complex collision of primitive instinct, emotion and intellectual rationalization during these trying times has compelled them to want to continue to socialize with friends and family, but at a safe distance. If the above describes yourself accurately, the following are tips that might help you have the type of gathering that will at once satisfy and frustrate these fractured and contradictory needs combining to determine your life choices.
NEW YORK, New York (The Adobo Chronicles, New York Bureau) - Minutes after U,S. President Donald Trump walked out on Lesley Stahl, CBS announced it was renaming its news magazine show “60 MINUTES” to “37 MINUTES” Trump abruptly ended the interview 37 minutes or so into the taping after he accused Stahl of “asking tough…
Arguing that no law exists that explicitly prohibits the attachment of animals to ballot receptacles, the party has claimed that the large, threatening reptile is a necessary protection against voter fraud in the predominantly liberal neighborhood.
Calling such a repeal of federal laws that prohibit the sale and possession of methamphetamines "long overdue", Trump heralded the drug's users as "real Americans".

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